Monday, July 31, 2006

Sat Chit Ananda

I have a quite a nice day considering I am still trying to climb the equivilant of Mount Everest with a can of coke and big stick.

Still on the Sutras, Tuesday's is Sat Chit Ananda-meaning I am self referred consciousness.

My inner dialogue reflects the fire of my soul.

Alrighty then.

These phrases make it clearer, I hope.

Imagine that you are centered and totally at peace.

Imagine that all beings are your equal.

Imagine that you are detached from the outcome.

Imagine that you are not affected by flattery or criticism.

Imagine that you are looking at the world with knowingness and peace.

Imagine that you exactly what to do in every situation.

Imagine that love radiates from you like light from a bonfire.

Imagine that you are in love with everything and everybody.

Imagine that you are intoxicated with love.

Imagine that the right answer comes to you whenever you are confronted by any question spontaneously.

Sounds lovely, give it a try for the day.

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