Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Getting of Wisdom

Being spiritual requires humility, real humility, the complete loss of of ego and the acknowledgement of the infinity of the universe and it being able to give all things if we allow ourselves to receive, be it love, money, laughter and great shoes!
The road to self actualization can start at any moment.
In fact, the exact minute you ask "Why am I here?"

I have been reading about Eastern and Western theories that the self actualized person actually shows the same traits whether it be Maslow's theory or Zen Buddhism that they follow.
These are people who understand the simplicity and wonder of nature, people who are independent of what people think of them and what others do and finally those who are not controlled by self limiting or grandiose thoughts.
Sounds easy huh?

Well I have first one down, there is nothing, nothing, that is as divine as nature, not art, not fashion. No material, man made object. As Frank Lloyd Wright said:" Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."

As for the others, I am working on them but old habits die hard.

So why do it? Why follow this path? What do we gain from it? Why complicate it with all this new age shit?

Well, it makes the time pass faster whilst on this trip. It raises your energy levels, makes you look at your relationships on a deeper level and demand and even receive more than you ever believed possible. Self actualization makes you question your beliefs, emotions and what drives you, it makes you take responsibility for how you interact and react with the world.
This all takes time, real quantative measurements of time. Spending more time contemplating though means less time for the many crises we are addicted to.
The Getting of Spiritual Wisdom is getting to know your life's purpose and then living with that purpose top of mind. Open your eyes. See the signs, the syncro moments that tell you you are on track, see the threads between those souls who you have travelled lifetimes with and be in the moment when you have de-ja-vous when you visit seemingly foreign places.

And after all that laugh, angels fly because they take themselves lightly!

1 comment:

chandra said...

Hi Dreamweaver,
I have read all your posts, but am putting my thoughts here. U write beautifully on Spiritualism, Passion, Buddhism.You are also intersted in the Occult. And these are the cords which connect us. Come, meeet me at :

warm wishes


ps:last month i was in au for three first visit... lovely place.