Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday's ok

The Goddess is kind, Friday is working out kind ok, I am manifesting things all over the place, unconsciously though of course, but all the same?!!
It is important to acknowledge when things are going fine, well, ok, good. I either praise the amazing days or whinge about the shitty ones but not much airtime to the ok days. So, here's to the the ok days! More of them and may I always know I am having one!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Searching for Ping

Reading my Cainer chart for what's coming up in the skies for me and I am happy to see some good times but it is always hard to know exactly what going on as I am no astrologer. The Wizard Astrologer/Lawyer/PHD student/ digital nerd tells me that an astrologer takes 20 years to earn their stripes as the subject matter is so complex.
My scope says Venus Trine Sun which is the Planet of Love/Attraction sending good vibes to my persona - but in what way? Will I finally have my 15 minutes of fame? Will I become a contestant on a game show? Or more telling, will I give myself a big dose of self lovin' ?

I am not sure but I had wack dreams last night, disturbing and revealing. They highlighted a distinct lack of balance between my yin and yang. I need to get balanced, but how?

Ping is Chinese word for balance and I am without Ping. I am Pingless. I am Pong. I Pong. I stink.

I will look into it, something DIY PING would be great, I don't fancy haven't to hand over any coin for this but we will see. A quick google and tells me that true balanced is achieved when we the male energy supports the female energy inside us, "when our actions support our feelings and our heart's desires. We cannot suppress our feelings nor can we abandon them."

I will do a little thinking and get back to the Ping, I will plug into the astral tonight and see what else I can learn, its all interesting fodder for the brain.

I think I am procrastinating about a few things at the moment and so I need to take some action and then see what occurs. [ You can stop smiling Domonique, you know what this is about.......]
I stated yesterday at work that worst thing anyone can do when things are frantic is to hesitate over a decision, just make it and fix up the mess later if the shit hits the fan.
Chances are that making it will get you faster to your goal and help your process later what works and doesn't work making your decisions next time easier to make.
So, all great for me to say but I need to start to walk my talk!
Make the decision already!

Bodhisattva Steve

Crikey, it was sad tv last night!
As I watched Terri discuss her husband Steve and her deep love for him and I got more of a portrait of him than any montage and tribute over the last few weeks. Terri spoke of his deep intuition and his connection to the 'knowing' it was so sad and yet so right.
Terri also spoke of his work ethic and him not sleeping, working all hours when inspiration struck, perhaps he heard the Death Watch Beetle ticking and he knew he had so much to do in such few years.
The final memory she and the kids have of him, waving goodbye to them standing on the roof of his truck is perfect, absurd and authetic and living life out loud, loud and proud and making every moment count.
Read more here about the Bodhisattva .

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hogwart's in Melbourne

Hi I'm dream weaver's daughter, the Scorp.

Today I went to a shop called Spellbox and did a class on magic for kids. It was an all female class so there was a lot of female energy in the room....OHM!
Heres what we did in order:

1. To enter the sacred space we had to jump over a broom stick and say our name
2. Then me and 2 other girls had to do a spell I had to touch everyone on the shoulder with an eagle's feather. An eagles feather symbolises the most magical birds of all fly the highest of all the birds. Another girl had to give a pinch of salt in our hands, the salt is the symbol of earth. Another girl had to put 2 drops of oil in our hands. It was to show we had entered the sacred space.
3. Then Danae, the Hostess Witch, talked to us about the four elements, which are: water, fire, air and earth. A candle can represent all of those of those things, the fire is the flame, the candlestick is earth as it is solid, the smoke is the air and the water is the wax as it becomes liquid.
4. Then Danae talked to us about poppets, they are made of straw and can look like a man or woman opening up to the heavens. Poppets are used in spells for lots of reasons.
5. Then Danae asked us about familiars, I didn't know but alot of the 15 year olds did. Danae explained that a familiar is a person or animal or creature that is with you all the time. We did a meditation when you sit on a high mountain with the sun coming down on you and you imagine a creature coming towards you and that is your familiar, it gives you a gift and tells you its name. My familiar is an orangutan called Karama and the gift was a tartan pink, blue, purple blanket.

I loved the workshop and I know I will go back.
Now I have to go and feed my orangutan and change its nappy and wrap it up in its blankie.


Scorp Daughter[ Aged 9]

Crazy Card Wednesday

I sit in my study.
I have pulled some inspiration cards at random after asking "What do I need to know in order to make the right choices from the heart?"

Goddess Card- Nemetona- advice - "Create an altar or visit a power place to connect with the Divine."

Archetype Cards- God [Not much more to say on that]

Tarot- Four of Batons-The card of teamwork to build a grand vision to bequeth to the future.

I may throw some Tarot tonight, I am feeling all gypsy like, a little Stevie on the stereo and we will see what emerges.

I will do this in my own room, I have taken over the study and I have all my 'things' around me, I love it so much, it made me think about Virginia Woolf and the importance of 'A Room Of Ones Own' and I found this quote.

"Now and again an Emily Bronte or a Robert Burns blazes out and proves its presence. But certainly it never got itself on to paper. When, however, one reads of a witch being ducked, of a woman possessed by devils, of a wise woman selling herbs, or even of a very remarkable man who had a mother, then I think we are on the track of a lost novelist, a suppressed poet, of some mute and inglorious Jane Austen, some Emily Bronte who dashed her brains out on the moor or mopped and mowed about the highways crazed with the torture that her gift had put her to. Indeed, I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman."
- "A Room of One's Own," Virginia Woolf

'Anon' no more, wise women. Create your space, use your space and own your space.
Write your words, paint your pictures, compose your music and spilt the atom, it can all be done in your rooms, channel the Celetic Goddess Nemetona and honor your need to have somewhere to be and become.

What a friggin' quincunx!

It is frantic here, all is well but the staff are drowning not waving. I spoke to both Domonqique the Wonderful and Witch Tracy and we discussed slowing down and changing the space and the energy in which we work.
I think the main things I am sensing is the inability to make decisions and be strong and manage time appropriately on your own terms. In a service industry we can often drop everything at the detriment to our own needs. I have got the staff back on the daily lists and have said to them do not move onto anything till the first one is done. If it takes all day then this one thing must be done. Turn your email off, take no calls except the urgent ones and get some control. It is all highlighted by the awkward Mars Uranus quincunx of course, but you already knew that. This aspect has subtle influence, yet holding the power to undermine our confidence nevertheless. Making adjustments to our goals may be necessary now, and this can temporarily drain our energy or cause us to feel restless and impatient. Without intending to, we could stir up some trouble with actions that are thoughtless or choppy. With the Moon in Scorpio, we are inclined towards intensity and extremes.

God damn that Crazy Quincunx!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Mystic Medusa warns about retail impulses in a Void Moon. We are in a Void Moon in Scorp, I made 3 purchases this morning and had returned 2 of them by lunchtime. I did make another one this afternoon which I am not sure about now, but too late, they have already been altered.
The Moon Journal asks 2 annoyingly insightful questions:

1] What old habits and beliefs still hold me back?

2]What or who do I need to forgive to release them once and for all?

So, I will answer these before I retire tonight. Give me something to dream about, not that I need anything at this point, dreaming like a lunatic, I am a lunatic actually, made for La Luna!
I had a wonderful healing dream about the Grecian Goddess, it was so insightful! Told her about it and she concurred she is great and in a great place doing great things!


Tip for the day- Sleep though it

With the Moon in Scorpio and Venus forming a square to Scorpio's ruler, Pluto, intense emotions and clashes over personal values are in store today. However, it's a good time to get organized and to do some solid work that will have benefits down the road with Mercury in healthy aspect to Saturn.

So what will this work be?
I am going to play in the garden some more with changelings and also assess a tender I am planning on writing. Taking it easy and laying low is my advice for all souls in this transit.
Do what you need to do today to get through and be kind to yourselves, you matter to people, someone thinks about you when they go to sleep at night, that is responsibility and love.

Monday Magic

Blessed worked up an abundance/prosperity spell and a clarity/ intention spell last night for the Sibyls to cast some intention at her new place of business. Part of the working was to walk around the premises with the incense and bless the space, which was lovely but the Piscean Princess and I got distracted by all the purdy things for sale, the salad bowl with handles was shaking the Piscean's tree and I love the blankets, ahh the blankets.
We discussed what to wish for when you wish for prosperity, always remember to wish for the resources to fulfill the work, harm to no one, to have fun and to share the resources. I think we took care of business last night, the power of 3 and all that stuff.
Upron leaving we ate at some fine Hong Kong cuisine in Chapel Street and received a divine back rub from the owner of the establishment. I noted that prosperity comes to us in odd ways and right now, eating with my dear friends, laughing and receiving a back rub from a smiling cook that had learnt how to massage from her Chinese doctor father when she was a small girl, we were indeed prosperous, its the small moments we forget to be thankful for and these are the ones that count.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Getting the intention set

Had a session with Domonique the Wonderful today on my new business venture whose wise words rang down the line. "You need to allow yourself the possibility that this could be amazing!" get comfortable with the idea of success. I am successful , I know that I lead a great life and I am my own boss and the creator of my own destiny, but this is something different, this is something new and scary . I struggle with new, except new shoes, so this is all part of the lesson, go forth and dream, honour the dream and the idea and see what floats. So I have a list of tasks to do as set by Ms Domonique and I look forward to each and every one!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ha Ha!

Moon is gonna be in Scorpio when I meet with 3 different tradesman about the renovation at work, intense huh?
I will let you know.

Spirit of Spring

The Goddess sends her in her bustling and gusty Spring winds in to clear away the dust and cobwebs from every corner of my house, garden and mind. It clears my inertia and I am suddenly filled with hope, promise and industry.
A quick ring around and I found many in the same frame of Spirit. Blessed and Ram-Beau planting trees, The Piscean Princess had a Spring Clean at the Palace, The Grecian Goddess organising her study, filing papers and clearing out the past, The Contessa reorganising her anteroom for better Chi flow. The Playboy of St Kilda is planning adjustments to the Mansion upon the exit of his flatmate and his word on the street that the Mayor of All Good Times is planing a spring clean at his place of business next weekend.
I think that Spring truly arrives when the winds have cleared away the past and the pounding rain has cleansed and freshened up the ground and atmosphere. It is a perfect way to remind us that the there is something better, that dark can become light and every tiny green blade of grass represents a new opportunity and excitement.
Gandalf and I have rearranged the furniture this weekend, moved it all around and I am so happy with the change. I have bought herbs and pansy's to plant up, made raspberry drops for the changelings and a roast for dinner. I have written my list for tomorrow, drawn up some major plans for business and helped a loved one with a love spell and new job spell. A divine spells that involved crushing mint, cashews and vanilla pods and finished with spinning smoke, rose oils, pink candles and a Shakespeare sonnet. The air was alive with possibilities and intention.
I read the other day a psychiatrist saying that his job is not to cure a suicidal patient but to give them a reason to live, a reason to exist. That statement has stayed with me and I think you would be hard pushed not to find a reason to be alive in the Spring, anything new can happen and will.
Look alive my friends, the winds bring in the new, so open your hearts and your arms and get ready!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Shhhh, the Moon is in Libra

Yes, the moon moves into Libra, a time for balance and harmony between yourself and others, a good time for connections and friendships which is lovely. The only thing to be mindful of in this transit it is hard to make your mind up, a typical Libran issue.

I had such crazy and at time distressing dreams last night, my grandmothers, old friends and skinning animals, charming huh?
I think this is because the Moon was void of course last night, VOC dreams are important so I owe it to myself to look it up but I am afraid of what it all means, best to know though, 'what you resist will persist' as the saying goes.

I did a working last night called and Abundance Air Elemental Spell, which basically meant standing in the back garden with a bell in the wind[ and there was lots of wind here last night!] and saying an incantation and ringing the bell at certain times.
The book stated that the spell is best performed when:
It is windy √
It is a new moon √
It is a Friday √
It is the Sping Equinox √
Perfectly perfect in every way.
On the money, felt quite good, very simple and really made me express what it was I was after for my new business venture, which is becoming clearer and clearer since I have returned from FNQ.

So off to play on this fine Saturday, seeing The Devil wears Prada with Scorp Daughter and dinner with the Grecian Princess, have a great day my friends and Happy Spring Equinox to you and yours!

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Secret Garden

I read today that the New Moon in Virgo allows us to give up our gated and locked beliefs that its all about 'our way or the highway'. This Moon and this Solar Eclipse encourages us to look for the Third Way, The Secret Passage Way, The Magic Tunnel, The Magic Boat, The Secret Garden.
Do something today that is unusual for you, order a different things for lunch, have a short black instead of latte, I don't know, but DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
I myself have a new hair colour and a pair of angel wing and crystal earrings that are unusual and a bit rockstar for me, I am breaking out of the box my friends.
As we come into the Sun in Libra, balance in all things will be the focus, lovely!

Back at work now and have a long list so I must go and do something, but be sure to know, I will be doing that something differently!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Spring Equinox

I found myself invigorated enough to play in the garden. All I did was sweep, clean up and water sad plants from recent heat wave but that was enough to make me feel positivley Ceres like.
I also made a little outdoor altar with candles, shells and a divine orchid to honour the Springs imminent arrival.
The new bright green leaves are on the fig tree and the blossoms are out next door, it is a beautiful time on the garden and I was happy to spend a few hours out there today.

The changelings went to the park and came back with 3 Sudanese children newly arrived to Australia, whilst language was a tiny barrier at the beginning the universal speech of scooter and giggling from the girls at the boys proved to be binding. I think we should start our own peace movement - Scooters without Borders, an instant success I am sure.

I am on the lookout for an Owl pendant at the moment, I have seen 3 but they are far too fashionable, I want something more antique and special, I will know when I see it I am sure but if you see anything let me know.

Had a lovely visit with Witch Tracy at the Spell shop, she mixed me a high vibration incense for tonights banishing spell, but first a visit to the colourist to banish the greys, magic or not, a girl still gotta look good!

Warning, looking at the moon can bring out your inner wolverine!

A Bright Thursday

I am back, I am here and I am here now!
Happy to be back, tired and crusty from the travel, my dreams filled with weirdness that I am too tired to interpret.
Getting ready for the Solar Eclipse and New moon in Virgo tomorrow which brings us interesting spiritual and astro jerky to chew on and muse over.
The Solar Eclipse shines a light on any issues we have been ignoring and where we need to do our work, this combined with the fact that the eclipse is in the South Node this means we HAVE to clean up our messes or spills, the South Node represents our past, what is holding us back in our past that we now have an opportunity to resolve. Meld this with the New Moon in Virgo [which is a work moon] then we have no excuse but to roll our sleeves up and get off our broomsticks and actually start to sweep out the dust and dirt and start again.

I am actually feeling quite invigorated today, back in town with new ideas, inspiration and ready to rock and roll.

Write your New Moon wishes tonight, the Solar Eclipse will make it even more intense. Do not limit yourself with your wishes either, always write:"thank you for the opportunity to manifest the following or SOMETHING EVEN BETTER". And say thank you at the end, we don't as a society say thank you enough in my belief. Also if Virgo falls in your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign then you have even more energy working with you.

I am planning a banishment ritual tonight, whilst the moon is in its dark phase, planning on banishing a few bad habits, fears and worries. Off to the spell shop to pick up some supplies and then tomorrow I will also do some serious manifesting about the future when the Moon becomes new.

Ahh, its good to be back!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The end is nigh

Here's what I have learnt this trip.
I consciously did not take any distractions away other than a few books and one notebook, so I could sit with all that I have absorbed lately. I have ideas swimming around my head about my plans for the future but I never give myself time to process them. The enforced meditation and seclusion from my 'toys' has meant that the ideas have been able to swim to the surface and some of them can actually swim, others have floated like a dead goldfish but no drama, I am open to everything attached to nothing.
So back to work with a clear head and a greater understanding of where I want my current business and my new business to go, I can see it now and despite my sad Steve Irwin dream I am feeling good about the future.
Venus is conjunct with Jupiter today which gives us a great spiritual verve and energy so I think I am feeling this along with Moon trine Pluto which gives us solutions to nagging problems and issues and also helps us find anything that may have been lost. This seemingly terminal issue about how to proceed forward with my plans for my business have synced divinely with my new logo being designed, the Goddess is good to me. I think I am on the right track, have made an appointment with Domonique the Wonderful to run the plans past her on Monday so I have some work to do but otherwise I am off and running [ well, at least a light jog!]

Tally ho, speak on the 'morrow!

Astral Dreams

Don't judge me but I am pretty sure that I astrally traveled and spoke with Steve Irwin last night, such weird dreams, perhaps it was the dinner sparking off an insane dream narrative.
Couldn't do the wind divination as it was pissing down rain [again!].
Last day today, am planning for a pool/relaxation day, where I hope to finish my utterly depressing book, I will not link to it until I have finished it. Meanwhile I did read The Extra Large Medium yesterday which was so wonderful, like a fairytale for grownup but about a medium, written by Helen Slavin, every word was important and so perfect in tone, great holiday read.
The Scorp Daughter is feeling unwell today so we will hang out together and I will try to, later in the afternoon, get my head back into work mode or at least a small percentage of it. I have made a few plans for work and business whilst I have been here, so all is not wasted, but one step at a time.
Have planned a facial later in the world renown spa where I am staying to get me totally 'zenned' out, lazy slag that I am.
Purgatory is nearly over, back to Gandalf and Melbourne where I can get a coffee which is not in a glass Irish Coffee mug [god, what a bloody snob I am!]
The Contessa has asked for some white shoes, I also suggest a white blazer with gold anchor buttons to go with, I will throw that in for free 'cause I am a style maker, heart breaker!
Keep on rockin' it baby!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Working with the wind not against it!

Time to quit bitchin' and see what this wind is good for. The ancient Israelites used the wind directly as a means of divination. The wind spoke to them through its motion in the trees. Like many other literate cultures, they would also cast words “randomly” to find answers to questions. Spirit is represented in many cultures as wind, the breath, all I can say is that there is a hell of alot of Spirit up here.
This is a simple and fascinating technique to receive a personal message from the wind. Here’s how:
1. Make a list of thirty to forty words. A mix of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs is best.
2. Pick ten to fifteen of these words.
3. Write each of the words that you have chosen on a separate small piece of paper.
4. Take the pieces of paper outside when a gentle breeze is blowing.
5. You may either ask a general question or just see what happens.
6. Place the pieces of paper on the ground.
7. Let the wind scatter them.
8. Decide beforehand how you will pick up the pieces (clockwise, counterclockwise, etc.).
9. Pick the pieces up, one on top of the other.
10. Read them from top to bottom and write them out in the order you have picked them.
11. What does this say to you?
12. Now use the words in any order and make a sentence out of them.
13. What does this say to you?

I will let you know my secret message later.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Moon, the Moon

Moon is in Cancer, moving into Leo. Had dinner with an Aquarian and a Leo last night actually, interesting dynamic, balance each other wonderfully in my opinion.
I am having flashes of brilliance today about the future path of the business and how to seize the opportunities that are presenting themselves to me despite my rantings. It is so windy up here at the top end of Australia, I read that in Chinese medicine that wind messes with you chakras, I am feeling it for sure, hard to hang onto to any thoughts as they get blown out to sea and you are like a goldfish starting aagin around the bowl saying, "Now, where was I?"
The Moon connects with Mars tonight awakening your passions and stirring the emotional melting pot. Moon in Leo gives you balls the size of space hoppers, get out of my way, 'here I am world' kind stuff I believe, I am feeling it anyway.
Off to shelter from the wind and the white shoes in FNQ, wish you were here!

Disconnected in the Wind

Dear All,

I am still on holiday, silently screaming about what an absolute fuck up it has all been and thinking about the old adage, be careful what you wish for.
Yes, we won the pitch but now Gandalf has to return early to do the bloody work, didn't ask for that when I did the workings, so more fool me.
So I am here, in terrible weather, with my parents, children and a king size bed with no one to share it with. Tragic. The life of an amateur Witch is not an easy one.
I have felt terribly disconnected, it is not a deep place where we are, no traditional customs besides white boat shoes and blonde hair. I am not sure why we came here, not really very us, but the kids are having a ball.
I have read nothing worthwhile except brain frying trash so today I start a book on inspiration that comes highly recommended, will post my review later.
I think that this trip is partly processing karma, the residue of the lunar eclipse in Pisces. My work was all about relationships and this has certainly been interesting for me, looking at my relationship with my parents and my children. Highlight was a hot stone massage, based on the indigenous traditions from the centre of Australia, lovely stuff but I was wound up like a ball of string and didn't enjoy it as much as I should have, as I had just found out that Gandalf had to return 4 days early!
It has been hard not to be pissed off and act like Veruca Salt. Gandalf and I have worked harder than ever this year and have worked 9 months straight, including many weekends and many nights and so this holiday had many expectations around it, there's the rub though. 'Blessed are those with no expectations for they shall not ever be disappointed!'
I know, I know, I am Veruca Salt. Saltier than a bowl of peanuts.
So it is entirely up to me what I do with my remaining time here, I can bitch, whinge and moan and get sick or I can Zen out, watch my kids and my olds play together on the beach [when it is not raining] and I can plan what the hell I am going to do when I get back.
No fuck it, I choose to bitch, whinge and moan!
No not really, I will be here now.
Present and witnessing, being the observer not the observation and see what I learn.

Stay tuned. Back Wednesday. Call me every 5 minutes!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Holiday Mode

I am off on the holiday, long awaited and much needed.
I have a slew of books to read, the new US Vogue and a sprinkle of work to look at, no rest for the wicked huh?
Back on the 2oth, will try to blog but no promises, can't blame a girl though, huh?

Take it easy over the next few days, we are in a waning moon phase which requires us to slow down thus why I have booked the holiday to time with this phase. I will come back to a Solar Eclipse and a New Moon in Virgo. Wherever you have Virgo in your chart will become energised and will be in the Solar spotlight for the next few weeks. Have a look at your chart and see where it lies. I only have Pluto in Virgo, part of the crazy generation between 1956 and 1971 who were born with Pluto in Virgo who think they can save the planet, bless us all, each and everyone!
I will rest and return soon, filled with inspiration.
Bye, Bye.

The Goddess is Good

Well, well, well, we won the big pitch! Wonderful news and so exciting for us all, a big thanks to the team; Gandalf, the Greek Scribe and Scholar, Stuart Little and the creative team who made all looks so swell.

A lovely energy to support us from today, Mercury enters Libra who are friendly and get along well. This helps all negotiations and one on one communication but the downside is that it can be hard to make a decision in this transit. My experience of Librans is that they can find it hard to make the ultimate decision, always weighing it up on those scales of theirs that they insist on carrying everywhere. This influence stays until October 2nd, hopefully this will help the craziness that is swirling around the world at the moment as this transit helps accommodate others to keep the peace, this is good time to consider others point of view.
So call me every 5 minutes, I am listening!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Moon in Taurus

Just because I can.
Fashionistas check out this site. I have linked to Padma Lakshmi discussing her 'look'. Ãœber fab. She is married to Salman Rushdie, who knew? She does speak 5 languages though.
He is a Cancer- she is a Libran/Scorp cusp I think ? Can't confirm her birthday.
Whatever! Not really that interesting unless you are a fashion whore like moi.
Tra la la la! Hooking into my Moon in Taurus like a wild thing. I am banality at it highest this afternoon and I am loving it!

Goddess Bling

I would adorn myself with these.
There are some divine things here on this site, although I am interested to see what the Sacred Scrolls are that they include with each piece.
Also of interest is the celebrity gallery and seeing what their particular pendant is that they are wearing. I liked my necklace until I saw Britney Spears wearing it, nothing High Priestess about her and K-Fed rocking the house together!

Tardis wanted

I have been an errant blogger today. Trying to get a weeks worth of work done in two days so I can holiday in peace. Moon in Taurus this arvo which is lovely. My Moon Journal poses the question for the Disseminating Moon in Taurus-
t has to change so I can be of service while supporting myself in loving, healthy and practical ways?

A curly question indeed. So many things, so little time.

How would you answer that question I ask?

Think about it......

Go on......

I dare you........

Meanwhile I am off on holidays this week as I mentioned. I will try to blog but cannot promise anything! The tropics beckon and my new Spiritual Astrology book awaits.
More later.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sinner or Saint

Which ever so called girlfriend who called themselves my name and gave Irish Smiley Pete my number needs to rethink their behaviours.
Seriously, I received text messages from the poor phucka and I had to let him down gently! Christ, what is the world coming to when I am breaking up with blokes I haven't even met.
The Lunar Eclipse it did threaten to shed light on my friendships and so it has, a 'beatch ' walks amongst us and she will be exposed! She will be exposed.......

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Grab your astral passport

I did a past life workshop today with the Piscean Princess and Blessed. I am not usually a fan of workshops but I did enjoy this one as it focused on regression meditation and gave some great tips for recognising the past life information and signs from other lifetimes that occur in this in this life. There were some fabulous coincidences that were swirling around the room and there was no traumatic past life episodes that came up for anyone. I tossed around a few different lives, some more pleasant than others but all with the same theme. The teacher suggested that certain countries we desire to travel to are places we have had good experiences in other lives, the countries we had no desire to see were ones in which we had not had a great experiences.
I have never had any desire to go to India, today in the past life regression I saw myself being sacrificed in India for heretic thoughts, all makes sense now.
Discussions of parallel lives also, the teacher suggested that perhaps when we have zoned out we are off living out another experience in another time and place as someone else. Food for thought. We had to pull a tarot card and use it though our day. Not the traditional tarot but the Osho Zen tarot, which is about what the inner you needs to know for the here and now.
I randomly picked the card- 'Letting Go', which makes sense to me on an inner level. That seems go be the theme of this lifetime.

Astrowise, the Mercury squares Pluto, if you are feeling this energy statically this means that you may read between the lines and see negativity all day, suspicions and a you will buy yourself a one way ticket on the paranoia train. The dynamic part of this transit is that deep, pentraing conversations can occur should you be in a place to be open to this.

Also Moon in Aries. Activity, action, but take care not to be combative. A great time for new beginnings which is fab as Blessed and I did a Business Success Spell for her and Ram- Beau's business today which works a charm. I did one about 5 weeks ago and it works you just have to be prepared for the energies to swirl and then settle, trust and they will.

I bought a lovely gold Ankh today for my wall at work, I have so far an Om symbol, an evil eye talisman and a Hand of Fatima. Lots of info on the Ankh here, fascinating stuff.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Q & A with Mystic

Q. Hello Mystic,
I am still loving you all the time, btw! As I believe there are no coincidences, what is your take on another high profile Piscean finishing their life this week? Here
Am I crazy, what is the connection? It seems to have been a very intense week with a Full Moon in Pisces also and the lunar eclipse.
Shed a little light on these dark times Mystic.
Your thoughts would be most welcome and if I can post them on daily musings my let me know.
Dream Weaver

A. Dear Dream Weaver, No brilliant thoughts, other than what I and others have already gone on about vis a vis the eclipse & associated astro weirding. All these dramatic endings and beginnings are playing out - for many - in the relationship realms. Or complete about faces re career. So sad though.

Shed some light on dark times.

I have gone to the Big Kahuna that is Mystic Medusa to ask her to shed light on the Piscean Moon and the loss of 2 larger than life Pisceans [Steve Irwin and Peter Brock] finishing their work on Earth this week, all in a lunar eclipse phase.
I will not, in my amateur fashion, even try to decipher the connections, my ego has surrendered to the events and I wait for guidance from Mystic and her wise words.
Will post if I get a response.
Over and Out.

Home on the Range

Managed to get out of work and get home to kidlets since school is out for 3 weeks for them.
Whipped off to Qi [pronounced Kee] to buy a Lodestone for Blesseds' spell we are doing tomorrow but it is almost impossible to get out of that shop without a little something else.
I walked out with a Fairy wind chime, a dig out your own fossil kit for Piscean Son and a Children's Fantasy Mandala colouring book for Scorp Daughter. A few crystals and a book on Spiritual Astrology.
They are having an open day this Sunday, worth a visit, as all the practioners will be there: kinesiology's, energy healing, tarot reading, reiki and so on. There are also lots of pretty things to amuse and delight you. I cannot tell you how much I love this shop, whenever I feel down, sad and need a little pep up, Qi is where you will see me lurking. Owned by the fabulous Qi, it is a place for healing and in my case, spending.

Pearly Moon

This is the moon last night taken by Gandalf.
A wonderful third eye opening spell last night as guided by the divine Piscean Princess.
We did this at my place of work, we had a non local entity come and visit us, he was curious but we included him and any others forces and energies who were with us in the circle. I have felt this energy at work since we have been in the building, which is about 6 years. I have had several staff comment on their interactions with the entity, staff whose skills have been based in science and logic. The energy is here and whilst it is not as dark as it once, I think it was barely tolerant of our presence in the building until we included and informed them last night. The shift is slight but noticeable and the smell of incense and enlightenment in the front room is comforting.
I struggle with any sort of meditation, as I have low attentions span, but last night we opened our third eye and I saw my guiding light, a small flickering blue light in the distance. I asked it many questions, small and bullshit questions, like I was trying to test it, ego questions. Then the light told me to stop wasting time and I asked it what it is that I need to know and it told me nothing, I am where I am supposed to be. Which is not to say I know everything, but I am here now and that is enough. Felt good.
Big Saturday tomorrow planned, a spell session in the morning for Blessed and Ram-Beaus' business then Past Lives workshop with some of my favourite Sibyl's.
A Witches work is never done!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hollywood or Bust

I just had a look at what is being released in the US film-wise and was astonished to see that over the last week a number of movies have been released with similar themes-

Conversations with God
A Guide to Recognizing your Saints
Jesus Camp
Darshan the Embrace
Al Franken: God Spoke
Aurora Borealis

What is going on? Is it a healing before the anniversary of Katrina and 9/11? Is it our universal compassion at work?
Unsure, it could be Pisces at work with its special enlightenment energy being spread around.
Could be Hollywood manipulating us so the release is when people are feeling vunerable and in need of something more inspiring to watch. Not all thwe movies are uplifting, unless you count family drama and street warfare fun but whatever blows your hair back!

The only one that interests me is Darshan the Embrace, she is amazing and I was sorry to miss her when when came to Melbourne last year, although Jesus Camp is intruiging in a voyeuristic kinda of a way.
No judgement, no praise, just watching.

Back into the administrivia

Divine yesterday with Goddess Bookeeper who sorted me out. With the pitch [which went ok, will know next week] and other things lurking that needed to be shuffled and sorted, the Goddess wove her magic and sailed us back into a safe habour.
It has been an intense 4 weeks and I do not believe it will settle until tomorrow, after the lunacy of the eclipse. So, to the storm shelter Dorothy. I have buried myself in adminstration which is the best place to be on this dark moon day, sorting out the small stuff while the universe handles the rest.

Happy Full Moon in Pisces

This is an intense full moon, in Pisces, the moon of self sacrifice. This moon forces us to face our anger and fears and what we are hanging onto, both materially and emotionally which forces us to let it all go. It has never been a more important time to tap into your compassion and intuition, trust and let go, pray for the higher consciousness to heal the planet.
The Pisces is the Bodhisattva, the enlightened one, so expect a spiritually demanding full moon. Perhaps you will relook at your values, your goals, dreams, what it is that you desire. Who are you and what are you giving to the universe at a higher level.
I had enlightening dreams last night, I expect more will come over the next few days.
A session with the Sibyls tonight, which will be lovely, the Piscean Princess is at the helm of the cauldron tonight, in safe hands and with happy hearts.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Don't be a quincunx! Get ready for change!

Pitching in 22 mins and Mercury is quincunx to Neptune which means communicating clearly in these times are difficult but I am relying on the Moon in Aquarius. With the Moon in an Air sign and Gandalf's' sign I am hoping all will be A-Ok! One eye on the future and the other of the prize, go Gandalf, go! I am costumed correctly, I have filled the meeting room with lilies and luxurious leaves, I have sprayed the room with purification and prosperity oils and the Bohemian Pisces has ordered plates of fruit and friands, washed down with a sparkling mineral water.
The documents are bound, the boards mounted and Gandalf and I have rehearsed.
Intention dial is set in integrity and purity. I am ready, armed and set to impress.
I send love to the audience, love to the room and love to myself.
There is no luck, only when talent and opportunity meet, today is that day. Today is the day when I see all I have learnt before and I place it into this one moment and know that I move forward and I am better than I used to be, the business is better than it used to be it and we are better than ever and the time is now.


Pulled a rune this morning, been a while since I go the 'Alphabet of Mystery ' out.
I like say 'Alphabet of Mystery' using a type of Vincent Price voice, amuses me.
Mannaz is the rune I pulled. The rune of Mankind and Humanity, which seems fitting since we are in the Aquarius Moon, mourning the death of this generations Francis of Assisi.
Mannaz is the rune of destiny which awaits me as long as I balance my mind, body and spirit, understanding that each life experience teaches me more and I go onwards and upwards.
Mannaz symbolizes creativity, intelligence, forward planning, and speech and implies co-operation between individuals for the common good. Question to ask myself- As your life unfolds, are you coming to know, face and deal with productively your strengths and weaknesses? Are you seeking to understand your Inner Self? Only I can answer this question! May Mannaz bring me growing insights!

I have a big pitch on today and a new piece of clothing to wear, a new costume for the myth that will play out in my office today. Is it David and Goliath? Cinderella? Who knows. That's the fun of it, the not knowing.

So, I call upon my archetypes [Spirit Guides] to incarnate through me and help me make the right choices from the heart today.
I send love to my office before we all arrive.
I thank the Universe for making right and creating a happier, calmer work environment.
I send energy and peace to the World and I look forward to vibrating at my highest level possible today.

And most of all I send luck to my Scorp Daughter who is in the finals of the talent quest today.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Thanks to Blessed for the following.

The Eight Verses on Transforming the Mind

With a determination to achieve the highest aim,
For the benefit of all sentient beings,
Which surpasses even the wish-fullfilling gem,
May I hold them dear at all times.

Whenever I interact with someone,
May I view myself as the lowest amongst all,
And, from the very depths of my heart,
Respectfully hold others as superior.

In all my deeds may I probe into my mind,
And as soon as mental and emotional afflictions arise-
As the endanger myself and others-
May I strongly confront them and avert them.

When I see beings of unpleasant character
Oppressed by strong negativity and suffering,
May I hold them dear-for they are rare to find-
As if I have discovered a jewel treasure!

When others, out of jealously
Treat me wrongly with abuse, slander, and scorn,
May I take upon myself the defeat,
And offer to others the victory.

When someone whom I have helped,
Or in whom I have placed great hopes,
Mistreats me in extremely hurtful ways,
May I regard him still as my precious teacher.

In brief, may I offer benefit and joy
To all beings, both directly and indirectly,
May I quietly take upon myself
All hurts and pains of all beings

May all this remain undefiled
By the stains of the eight mundane concerns; (gain and loss, pleasure and pain, praise and blame, fame and obscurity)
And may I, recognizing all things as illusion,
Devoid of clinging, be released from bondage (suffering from attachment to negative thoughts and emotions)

Lunar Eclipse lunacy

As I am a progressive soul and quite forward thinking[ and up myself!] I am already working on the stuff the lunar eclipse will bring for me this week. The Lunar Eclipse in on Thursday [7th] at 2.52 pm and for Taureans it hits in the house of friendship and group dynamics. Interesting , since I spent most of the weekend thinking about all my friendships and the especially the toxic ones of the past and seeing whether I had any learnings from these interludes.

Expect to feel any issues doubly as it is a Full Moon and an eclipse. It is the start of new things for people and new ways of being, a great explanation here, " the easiest way to remember what a Lunar eclipse means is to say ‘the present blots out the past’. The moon is usually associated with the past in astrology and whatever issues you need to clarify just think about them and don’t dwell on the past. "

So wherever you Sun signs falls, this is where you will be effected:
Arians need to be aware of activities going on behind the scenes. Long-term changes to your spiritual regime and practices begin to unfold. For those of you not on a path, perhaps it is time to get on one.

Taurans will test friendships and relation- ships to certain organizations. Shake-ups could change the dynamics of these groups. Expect dramatic changes over the next six months.

Geminis feel this eclipse very strongly as it beings major career and financial changes. Your personal philosophy and religion will get some testing too.

Cancers feel rather mild through this eclipse but every lunar eclipse affects your body, image and personality. Your hairstyle, hair colour or way you dress get a new, updated look.

Leos experience a mild time with this eclipse. If anything, it will affect the income of your spouse or partner. They will make dramatic financial changes in the next 6 months as flaws in their thinking are revealed.

Virgos test a current relationship (maybe the one you are having with yourself!) to see if the motivations - including your own - are pure. You begin to make long-term changes in your diet. Virgos who employ others can expect upheavels with your staff.

Librans announce job and career changes in the next six months as finances continue to improve. Financial judgment is good. This is a period of transition which could signal an ending - but also a new beginning.

Scorpios experience dramatic changes with children, many of them normal. Your beliefs get tested as events trigger religious and philosophical changes.

Sagittarians can look to make a move or just correct long-standing problems in the home. Passions are running high so stay calm. Your job is to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Capricorns can expect some fantastic surprises though you may feel overwhelmed. The wisdom you are gaining should help to stabilize some of your worries as success and advancement seem to be yours.

Aquarians are seeing where financial thinking and planning have been unrealistic. Changes need to be made but proceed slowly. There will be job changes for many of you.

Pisceans begin to feel the earth is moving wildly beneath their feet as you redefine your personality and self-concept - all leading to changes in your image and personal appearance. Expect to feel restless and ready for something new. Try out a new look; move your body in different ways. Expect relationship breakthroughs and SMILE.

Thanks to Astrology Source for the tips!

Celebrating the endings and new beginnings

Moon in Aquarius this arvo, expect new ideas and new ways of thinking about things. Big time for philanthropy and humanity. Also a great time for astrology, and metaphysics, lovely, lovely, lovely.
My personal chart says today is a great time for athletics, amusing to say the least, since I was not one for attending Sports Day at school.

Amazing outpourings of grief for Steve Irwin, this is the humanity rising from the Aquarius Moon for Mother Earth and all her creatures, 2 legged and 4 legged and under the sea.
I have a grief stricken 5 year old in my house, who has a Steve Irwin shirt, a Steve Irwin under the sea/scuba set doll [spooky I know] and a Steve Irwin sticker set, books and stamps. We even went and saw him and Terri do their show in Queensland at the Australia Zoo, which is amazing BTW! Not a Zoo, something entirely more special and real.

No one could say anything better about Steve Irwin than this comment here. Made sense and touched the heart in more ways than any news story could.

Go in peace.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Avoid what weakens you

What makes you strong?

Ask yourself that today.

Is it a lifestyle choice, a person, a song, love, laughter, competition, a pair of shoes?

I have lately been drained of power, I have lost my connection to the Source and at times felt like I have had the life sucked out of me, so time to change the head space. You all know that what you focus on is what you get, 'thoughts create things' etc.

Blessed said to me that Dark is attracted to Light so as a lightworker I need to try to protect myself from the darkness that weakens me, sounds wacky but makes sense if you think about it and try not to judge it.

Lesson 1: I need to surround myself with the Positive and what gives me power not what weakens me. The Spiritual growth that I have had is wonderful and amazing and at times bordering on mystical but it is time to start to get practical with this knowledge.
This past weekend, although difficult, forced me to look at myself to get a deeper understanding about who I am and why I am here. The sense of self I have now and understanding all the parts of me is the greatest gift.
If this is it, the prize from writing this blog for the past 9 months, then I am happy, the prize came at a price this weekend but the power is infinite and enormous and for that I am grateful.

Our lives are the result of what we have always given. It's that simple. Want something different? Then do something different. Give something and stop taking and see what comes your way.

It is time to focus on what strengthens me, focus on the light.
So what does strengthen me ?
The Moon, the mystery, music, flowers, seeing people want to be and do better for themselves, prosperity, my partner in life and business, the Sibyls, my children, Domonique the Wonderful, love, my friends, books, my freedom, my ability to make choices for myself, the Universe, the beach, gorgeous food, my talismans, my business, all in no particular order.

I allowed Darkness into my life because I need to feel fear, fear creates boundaries and boundaries create limitations. I was not allowing myself to vibrate at my highest, I needed the fear to remain earth bound. To lose the Darkness is to lose the fear, to live in the Oneness and under the giant blanket of possibilities, to fly to the skies and skip to the heavens.

I faced the fear this weekend. I lost the fear.

It is risky to be yourself, you will be called names, shunned, perhaps in other times burnt at the stake but it is better to follow your bliss and grow whenever you can. When you feel close to breaking point then chances are you are closest to freedom, let go, trust....see what happens.....

Pluto moves.[ BTW- It is so a planet!]

Pluto moves forward again. Has been retrograde since March, interesting, this is when things have gone to the shit for a while for a few people I know, including my good self.
The Good Doctor told me about the Myers Brigg test, based on the work of Jung. The Good Doctor suggested that perhaps I am in a small percentile of the population and thus I find it difficult to find my 'peeps', so to speak. I did the test and Bingo! I am in a percentile that is only 2-3% of the world! Great, along with my Pisces moon I sure am a popular one huh?[Inject massive dose of sarcasm!]
Me and Oprah trying to fix the world [she is in my group, along with the Pope, hmmm, can't see us becoming close though.]
One day at a time, Dreamweaver, one day at a time.

Friday, September 01, 2006

What are you doing this time round?

Discussions with the Witches at the Spell Shop yesterday, who all have their Moon in Pisces, this is apparently the Seekers moon, the intuitive and psychic guides moon, the Moon of the Redeemer. Combine this with my Moon in the 8th House and we have a fallen and destructive little conjunction. explains alot but I will just go with it and stop beating up on myself, makes a change. This also explains death featuring highly in my life. Cool, huh? [Insert sarcasm]

The spell shop hires only those with a Pisces Moon, so if things don't work out here then I suppose I can get a gig there!
One of the Witches stated that I must feel alone alot of the time, I agreed, and although I have divine women in my life, it is more than that, it is an ache that I have never been able to quite fulfill. I am never on the same page as the people in my life, disconnected and out of the loop, constantly misunderstood and struggling to understand the boundaries of society. I dream of other times, past life and future bound. The super sensitive soul that I am, creates drama in my head and in my Soul with and eye on Spiritual Rebirth. This is what I am going through now, all planetary activity at the moment is in my house of Transformation, so excuse me whilst I transform.

More women have a Pisces Moon than men, thus it is the Moon of the Witch. One of the Witches said to me yesterday, "I felt that I have met you before.".
I glibly answered, "Maybe in another life."
She said," Sure, I cut off your head, then you cut off mine, now we are even. I think we are going to be friends this time."All said whilst looking me squarely in the eye.

I think she is right.
I hope so.