Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lunar Eclipse lunacy

As I am a progressive soul and quite forward thinking[ and up myself!] I am already working on the stuff the lunar eclipse will bring for me this week. The Lunar Eclipse in on Thursday [7th] at 2.52 pm and for Taureans it hits in the house of friendship and group dynamics. Interesting , since I spent most of the weekend thinking about all my friendships and the especially the toxic ones of the past and seeing whether I had any learnings from these interludes.

Expect to feel any issues doubly as it is a Full Moon and an eclipse. It is the start of new things for people and new ways of being, a great explanation here, " the easiest way to remember what a Lunar eclipse means is to say ‘the present blots out the past’. The moon is usually associated with the past in astrology and whatever issues you need to clarify just think about them and don’t dwell on the past. "

So wherever you Sun signs falls, this is where you will be effected:
Arians need to be aware of activities going on behind the scenes. Long-term changes to your spiritual regime and practices begin to unfold. For those of you not on a path, perhaps it is time to get on one.

Taurans will test friendships and relation- ships to certain organizations. Shake-ups could change the dynamics of these groups. Expect dramatic changes over the next six months.

Geminis feel this eclipse very strongly as it beings major career and financial changes. Your personal philosophy and religion will get some testing too.

Cancers feel rather mild through this eclipse but every lunar eclipse affects your body, image and personality. Your hairstyle, hair colour or way you dress get a new, updated look.

Leos experience a mild time with this eclipse. If anything, it will affect the income of your spouse or partner. They will make dramatic financial changes in the next 6 months as flaws in their thinking are revealed.

Virgos test a current relationship (maybe the one you are having with yourself!) to see if the motivations - including your own - are pure. You begin to make long-term changes in your diet. Virgos who employ others can expect upheavels with your staff.

Librans announce job and career changes in the next six months as finances continue to improve. Financial judgment is good. This is a period of transition which could signal an ending - but also a new beginning.

Scorpios experience dramatic changes with children, many of them normal. Your beliefs get tested as events trigger religious and philosophical changes.

Sagittarians can look to make a move or just correct long-standing problems in the home. Passions are running high so stay calm. Your job is to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Capricorns can expect some fantastic surprises though you may feel overwhelmed. The wisdom you are gaining should help to stabilize some of your worries as success and advancement seem to be yours.

Aquarians are seeing where financial thinking and planning have been unrealistic. Changes need to be made but proceed slowly. There will be job changes for many of you.

Pisceans begin to feel the earth is moving wildly beneath their feet as you redefine your personality and self-concept - all leading to changes in your image and personal appearance. Expect to feel restless and ready for something new. Try out a new look; move your body in different ways. Expect relationship breakthroughs and SMILE.

Thanks to Astrology Source for the tips!

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