Saturday, September 23, 2006

Shhhh, the Moon is in Libra

Yes, the moon moves into Libra, a time for balance and harmony between yourself and others, a good time for connections and friendships which is lovely. The only thing to be mindful of in this transit it is hard to make your mind up, a typical Libran issue.

I had such crazy and at time distressing dreams last night, my grandmothers, old friends and skinning animals, charming huh?
I think this is because the Moon was void of course last night, VOC dreams are important so I owe it to myself to look it up but I am afraid of what it all means, best to know though, 'what you resist will persist' as the saying goes.

I did a working last night called and Abundance Air Elemental Spell, which basically meant standing in the back garden with a bell in the wind[ and there was lots of wind here last night!] and saying an incantation and ringing the bell at certain times.
The book stated that the spell is best performed when:
It is windy √
It is a new moon √
It is a Friday √
It is the Sping Equinox √
Perfectly perfect in every way.
On the money, felt quite good, very simple and really made me express what it was I was after for my new business venture, which is becoming clearer and clearer since I have returned from FNQ.

So off to play on this fine Saturday, seeing The Devil wears Prada with Scorp Daughter and dinner with the Grecian Princess, have a great day my friends and Happy Spring Equinox to you and yours!

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