Monday, September 04, 2006

Avoid what weakens you

What makes you strong?

Ask yourself that today.

Is it a lifestyle choice, a person, a song, love, laughter, competition, a pair of shoes?

I have lately been drained of power, I have lost my connection to the Source and at times felt like I have had the life sucked out of me, so time to change the head space. You all know that what you focus on is what you get, 'thoughts create things' etc.

Blessed said to me that Dark is attracted to Light so as a lightworker I need to try to protect myself from the darkness that weakens me, sounds wacky but makes sense if you think about it and try not to judge it.

Lesson 1: I need to surround myself with the Positive and what gives me power not what weakens me. The Spiritual growth that I have had is wonderful and amazing and at times bordering on mystical but it is time to start to get practical with this knowledge.
This past weekend, although difficult, forced me to look at myself to get a deeper understanding about who I am and why I am here. The sense of self I have now and understanding all the parts of me is the greatest gift.
If this is it, the prize from writing this blog for the past 9 months, then I am happy, the prize came at a price this weekend but the power is infinite and enormous and for that I am grateful.

Our lives are the result of what we have always given. It's that simple. Want something different? Then do something different. Give something and stop taking and see what comes your way.

It is time to focus on what strengthens me, focus on the light.
So what does strengthen me ?
The Moon, the mystery, music, flowers, seeing people want to be and do better for themselves, prosperity, my partner in life and business, the Sibyls, my children, Domonique the Wonderful, love, my friends, books, my freedom, my ability to make choices for myself, the Universe, the beach, gorgeous food, my talismans, my business, all in no particular order.

I allowed Darkness into my life because I need to feel fear, fear creates boundaries and boundaries create limitations. I was not allowing myself to vibrate at my highest, I needed the fear to remain earth bound. To lose the Darkness is to lose the fear, to live in the Oneness and under the giant blanket of possibilities, to fly to the skies and skip to the heavens.

I faced the fear this weekend. I lost the fear.

It is risky to be yourself, you will be called names, shunned, perhaps in other times burnt at the stake but it is better to follow your bliss and grow whenever you can. When you feel close to breaking point then chances are you are closest to freedom, let go, trust....see what happens.....


Anonymous said...

Me think you're amazing and it is a privilege to tag along on your journey.

(an ISFJ)

Kate Forster said...

Thank you Stacey, my eyes are glistening and my heart is singing. Your affirmation was much needed and I send you infinite blessings.

Dream weaver.