Thursday, September 28, 2006

Searching for Ping

Reading my Cainer chart for what's coming up in the skies for me and I am happy to see some good times but it is always hard to know exactly what going on as I am no astrologer. The Wizard Astrologer/Lawyer/PHD student/ digital nerd tells me that an astrologer takes 20 years to earn their stripes as the subject matter is so complex.
My scope says Venus Trine Sun which is the Planet of Love/Attraction sending good vibes to my persona - but in what way? Will I finally have my 15 minutes of fame? Will I become a contestant on a game show? Or more telling, will I give myself a big dose of self lovin' ?

I am not sure but I had wack dreams last night, disturbing and revealing. They highlighted a distinct lack of balance between my yin and yang. I need to get balanced, but how?

Ping is Chinese word for balance and I am without Ping. I am Pingless. I am Pong. I Pong. I stink.

I will look into it, something DIY PING would be great, I don't fancy haven't to hand over any coin for this but we will see. A quick google and tells me that true balanced is achieved when we the male energy supports the female energy inside us, "when our actions support our feelings and our heart's desires. We cannot suppress our feelings nor can we abandon them."

I will do a little thinking and get back to the Ping, I will plug into the astral tonight and see what else I can learn, its all interesting fodder for the brain.

I think I am procrastinating about a few things at the moment and so I need to take some action and then see what occurs. [ You can stop smiling Domonique, you know what this is about.......]
I stated yesterday at work that worst thing anyone can do when things are frantic is to hesitate over a decision, just make it and fix up the mess later if the shit hits the fan.
Chances are that making it will get you faster to your goal and help your process later what works and doesn't work making your decisions next time easier to make.
So, all great for me to say but I need to start to walk my talk!
Make the decision already!


Mrs Underhill said...

Now that is interesting Dreamweaver because my Cainer for the week just ending says: "You hate chasing your own tail or having to do things in a hurry that later must be redone properly. Sometimes, though, that simply cannot be avoided. We have to make do and mend. We can do no more than fight fires without stopping to work out what's really causing them". His point about redoing things PROPERLY later is probably one of my greatest bug bears. Is there a case for thinking that sometimes, rather than rushing into stuff, you can actually hang back a minute and attack them when you can actually give them the time they deserve. In recent weeks I have been practicing this - finding ways to stall certain things and not being bullied into moves or just physically being able to achieve them - and the cards have landed completely differently than I expected them to during the process, showing me that if I had have jumped initiallly I would be either in a pickle now or would have just wasted precious time. Hmmm, something to ponder for sure.

Kate Forster said...

Yes, I see your point Contessa, but inaction due to fear of making the wrong decision is crippling both physically and emotionally. Trusting in an energy that is working for you not against you and letting that energy support you is fantastic on a personal level is amazing and a great skill to have but I think in business that you have to carry the trust and faith but get on with it and fast!
In saying that, being a good decision maker in a business is being able to look at the big picture and seeing how that decision will affect everything, your staff, resources and your clients. Strategic thinking is not an innate skill that every staff member has but I think it can be learnt.
Decisions are transforming , it is interesting that I have no trouble in my work based decisions, but finding it hard to make them personally, back to the drawing board.
Thanks for reading dear Contessa.
