Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Bright Thursday

I am back, I am here and I am here now!
Happy to be back, tired and crusty from the travel, my dreams filled with weirdness that I am too tired to interpret.
Getting ready for the Solar Eclipse and New moon in Virgo tomorrow which brings us interesting spiritual and astro jerky to chew on and muse over.
The Solar Eclipse shines a light on any issues we have been ignoring and where we need to do our work, this combined with the fact that the eclipse is in the South Node this means we HAVE to clean up our messes or spills, the South Node represents our past, what is holding us back in our past that we now have an opportunity to resolve. Meld this with the New Moon in Virgo [which is a work moon] then we have no excuse but to roll our sleeves up and get off our broomsticks and actually start to sweep out the dust and dirt and start again.

I am actually feeling quite invigorated today, back in town with new ideas, inspiration and ready to rock and roll.

Write your New Moon wishes tonight, the Solar Eclipse will make it even more intense. Do not limit yourself with your wishes either, always write:"thank you for the opportunity to manifest the following or SOMETHING EVEN BETTER". And say thank you at the end, we don't as a society say thank you enough in my belief. Also if Virgo falls in your Sun, Moon or Rising Sign then you have even more energy working with you.

I am planning a banishment ritual tonight, whilst the moon is in its dark phase, planning on banishing a few bad habits, fears and worries. Off to the spell shop to pick up some supplies and then tomorrow I will also do some serious manifesting about the future when the Moon becomes new.

Ahh, its good to be back!

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