Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hollywood or Bust

I just had a look at what is being released in the US film-wise and was astonished to see that over the last week a number of movies have been released with similar themes-

Conversations with God
A Guide to Recognizing your Saints
Jesus Camp
Darshan the Embrace
Al Franken: God Spoke
Aurora Borealis

What is going on? Is it a healing before the anniversary of Katrina and 9/11? Is it our universal compassion at work?
Unsure, it could be Pisces at work with its special enlightenment energy being spread around.
Could be Hollywood manipulating us so the release is when people are feeling vunerable and in need of something more inspiring to watch. Not all thwe movies are uplifting, unless you count family drama and street warfare fun but whatever blows your hair back!

The only one that interests me is Darshan the Embrace, she is amazing and I was sorry to miss her when when came to Melbourne last year, although Jesus Camp is intruiging in a voyeuristic kinda of a way.
No judgement, no praise, just watching.


Mrs Underhill said...

You know what's interesting Dreamweaver? I was about to throw out a mag today because I was in pre-cleaner cleaning frenzy and saw the cover lines about the new spirituality (this is a TREND FORECASTING magazine) and what product developers need to know to jump on to it. I popped it in the ever growing pile on my desk and thought, that's for Dreamweaver. I will pass it on to you.

Kate Forster said...

Bless you Contessa for thinking of me,so unworthy and so terrific!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Just did that Myers Brigg Test (7 September) and I'm an ISFJ ie Introverted 22%, Sensing 75%, Feeling 75%, Judging 1%.
Apparently like Louisa M Alcott, Queen Elisabeth ll and Mother Teresa. Protector and Guardian allegedly!!!
Scorp Sis.

Mrs Underhill said...

I am soooo disappointed that they've made Conversations with God, the film. I know dreamweaver will say I am an ever-green cynic but that man used to be an actor for God's sake!!!!! And, I can only judge people by how I find them in the flesh, and when I had the dubious privilege of working with Neale Donald Walsch when he was in Australia a few years ago he was rude, arrogant, materialistic and dismissive of minions - I say always judge a person by the way he or she treats a waiter!
Now I am off the soapbox. It's just deeply dissapointing.

Kate Forster said...

Hi there Scorp Sis!

Bless you! Of course you are.
Louisa May Alcott huh? It sticks since one of your daughters is named after one of her much loved characters. Wouldn't be surprised if the Bronté sister who is your other daughters' namesake is an ISFJ also.
Thanks for reading, lovely surprise, I do reference you a bit Angel!

Love ya all the time

Dream Weaver!

P.S Everything will work out the way its meant

Kate Forster said...

Hi Cantessa,

Yes I did think it looked a little like a movie of the week. I am sure the people who go to Jesus Camp will be owning this one on DVD.

Dream weaver