Thursday, September 21, 2006

Spring Equinox

I found myself invigorated enough to play in the garden. All I did was sweep, clean up and water sad plants from recent heat wave but that was enough to make me feel positivley Ceres like.
I also made a little outdoor altar with candles, shells and a divine orchid to honour the Springs imminent arrival.
The new bright green leaves are on the fig tree and the blossoms are out next door, it is a beautiful time on the garden and I was happy to spend a few hours out there today.

The changelings went to the park and came back with 3 Sudanese children newly arrived to Australia, whilst language was a tiny barrier at the beginning the universal speech of scooter and giggling from the girls at the boys proved to be binding. I think we should start our own peace movement - Scooters without Borders, an instant success I am sure.

I am on the lookout for an Owl pendant at the moment, I have seen 3 but they are far too fashionable, I want something more antique and special, I will know when I see it I am sure but if you see anything let me know.

Had a lovely visit with Witch Tracy at the Spell shop, she mixed me a high vibration incense for tonights banishing spell, but first a visit to the colourist to banish the greys, magic or not, a girl still gotta look good!

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