Sunday, September 17, 2006

Disconnected in the Wind

Dear All,

I am still on holiday, silently screaming about what an absolute fuck up it has all been and thinking about the old adage, be careful what you wish for.
Yes, we won the pitch but now Gandalf has to return early to do the bloody work, didn't ask for that when I did the workings, so more fool me.
So I am here, in terrible weather, with my parents, children and a king size bed with no one to share it with. Tragic. The life of an amateur Witch is not an easy one.
I have felt terribly disconnected, it is not a deep place where we are, no traditional customs besides white boat shoes and blonde hair. I am not sure why we came here, not really very us, but the kids are having a ball.
I have read nothing worthwhile except brain frying trash so today I start a book on inspiration that comes highly recommended, will post my review later.
I think that this trip is partly processing karma, the residue of the lunar eclipse in Pisces. My work was all about relationships and this has certainly been interesting for me, looking at my relationship with my parents and my children. Highlight was a hot stone massage, based on the indigenous traditions from the centre of Australia, lovely stuff but I was wound up like a ball of string and didn't enjoy it as much as I should have, as I had just found out that Gandalf had to return 4 days early!
It has been hard not to be pissed off and act like Veruca Salt. Gandalf and I have worked harder than ever this year and have worked 9 months straight, including many weekends and many nights and so this holiday had many expectations around it, there's the rub though. 'Blessed are those with no expectations for they shall not ever be disappointed!'
I know, I know, I am Veruca Salt. Saltier than a bowl of peanuts.
So it is entirely up to me what I do with my remaining time here, I can bitch, whinge and moan and get sick or I can Zen out, watch my kids and my olds play together on the beach [when it is not raining] and I can plan what the hell I am going to do when I get back.
No fuck it, I choose to bitch, whinge and moan!
No not really, I will be here now.
Present and witnessing, being the observer not the observation and see what I learn.

Stay tuned. Back Wednesday. Call me every 5 minutes!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear dreamweaver,
never fear about the business, it is tickety-boo like clockwork... there is more space now because bill has moved out, taking many of his hallway posters to his new location. interestingly frank has stretched his wings into the emptyness by putting some of HIS old film posters in their place. they look like they are all from the late 80s, and there is a particularly gorgeous one "ricky & pete" outside your womb with a view. i hope that you manage to enjoy what is left of your holiday and that the clouds will clear into clear blue skies.
xx libran sylph xx