Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Goddess is Good

Well, well, well, we won the big pitch! Wonderful news and so exciting for us all, a big thanks to the team; Gandalf, the Greek Scribe and Scholar, Stuart Little and the creative team who made all looks so swell.

A lovely energy to support us from today, Mercury enters Libra who are friendly and get along well. This helps all negotiations and one on one communication but the downside is that it can be hard to make a decision in this transit. My experience of Librans is that they can find it hard to make the ultimate decision, always weighing it up on those scales of theirs that they insist on carrying everywhere. This influence stays until October 2nd, hopefully this will help the craziness that is swirling around the world at the moment as this transit helps accommodate others to keep the peace, this is good time to consider others point of view.
So call me every 5 minutes, I am listening!

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