Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Moon, the Moon

Moon is in Cancer, moving into Leo. Had dinner with an Aquarian and a Leo last night actually, interesting dynamic, balance each other wonderfully in my opinion.
I am having flashes of brilliance today about the future path of the business and how to seize the opportunities that are presenting themselves to me despite my rantings. It is so windy up here at the top end of Australia, I read that in Chinese medicine that wind messes with you chakras, I am feeling it for sure, hard to hang onto to any thoughts as they get blown out to sea and you are like a goldfish starting aagin around the bowl saying, "Now, where was I?"
The Moon connects with Mars tonight awakening your passions and stirring the emotional melting pot. Moon in Leo gives you balls the size of space hoppers, get out of my way, 'here I am world' kind stuff I believe, I am feeling it anyway.
Off to shelter from the wind and the white shoes in FNQ, wish you were here!


Anonymous said...

Dear Dreamweaver,
As Moon moves into Leo, what does it mean for those of us who's Moon is in Leo?

Mrs Underhill said...

well done on the media coverage,,20403841-5006051,00.html

Kate Forster said...

Hi Sugar,

Moon in Leo in a Moon in Leo transit, try not to be high emotional, turn the drama down as Mary J. would say. Use your will power to bring out your romantic tender self.
The shadow side of this is extravagance and exaggeration, never for you though Blessed! Another part of this transit affecting your Moon in Leo could be tiredness, sleepy Blessed? It is best that you rest, reflect and get creative, maybe some wedding planning, what are you doing about the cake?
Also try to see peeps you like, even love, meet someone nice for lunch, take a coffee and cake to Ram-Beau for arvo tea?

Thoughts, just thoughts.

Love you!

Kate Forster said...

Hi Contessa,
Yes a good article, very well written. My mother handed it to me by the pool, didn't know it was going in yet. Most exciting.
Thanks babe.
