Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Check it out

I made cards to go with the book.
Go here to look at how pretty they are.

Sign up if you want some. The card will only be available through the website and I have printed a limited number, so get in quick my fellow seekers.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Here's the thing

I am tired of negative astrology talk! There is ALWAYS a positive part to any placement or transit. That is what is brilliant about astrology, there is good and hard. Notice I did not say bad, only hard. The hard transit is what forces us to change, be more truthful and honest.
This is why I love Robert Wilkinson. He keeps it real. Astrology for the evolved.
I think it is irresponsible to think of astrology anyway but as an opportunity to grow ointo the person we are supposed to be.

This afternoon I wrote a tender. I swear it was all I could do to not play with the stars. Lots going on at the moment in the skies.

There is a Solar eclipse on the 1st of August. A sexy, craxy eclipse that falls in the sign of Leo. A new moon and an eclipse.
Have a look at where Leo falls in your chart and ask for celestial assistance in this area of you life. Expect movement, letting go, endings and transformation.

Bring it on bring it on, bring it on.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hey you up there!

Sometimes you can feel the engine whirring and the cogs turning at a metaphysical level. You know there are things happening out there for you but you are not yet ready to know about them.
I feel that way at the moment. I can feel things happening in the ether yet I do not know what they are. I know they are good. I am know I am excited. I know.

Meanwhile, I sit and I trust.
I surrendered yesterday with a few tears to the Goddess Bookkeeper. Tired and detoxing from everything bad in my life, I was clearly at a low point. No judgment, no shame. I just needed a quick weep with the Goddess and I was right as rain today. In fact, I had a great day. I laughed.
I worked on good things. My new Spiritual Business website is nearly ready to launch and I tell ya it looks the biz! It's 'dead posh' and I frankly could not be a happier little human.

Of course dear ones, I will let you know if anything eventuates. Just thinking about the possibilities makes my head tingle. The thing about expectation is to NEVER imagine what it will look like. Why? Because it will look nothing like you imagined. Kinda like love.
If you think you know what is coming and only look for that then you will deny yourself other opportunities and wonderful things. The best days have been when I happenstanced across something or someone.
My Gandalf came to me that way. One minute dropping of a video (yes, it was the 90's) and next minute meeting the man who was The One!
I think that is why we are better are seeing opportunities when we are younger. We have fewer expectations.
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.

Right time to climb off my high horse.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Heave, ho!

Balance at work is important. I think of the business like a boat.
You need people to make sure that the vessel is moving forward with the right weight on the right side, so as to not get maximum speed and momentum and not capsize and sink!
I have struggled to get the right balance for a while. I was wondering yesterday why it seems so hard, and realised it was because we were dragging and plodding through the water, not churning it up and riding the waves. Why? Because the balance wasn't right!
The balance seems right now, so we are sailing into new seas.
Wish us luck!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Listen up peeps

A week off. Thus I will be blogging here instead.
My blog about transforming a house into a home.


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Get up lazy head!

Today was my last day doing 3 jobs of late. It took all I had to crawl to work this morning, I didn't want to go. So much for being Spiritual, huh?
I wonder if great leaders ever feel that? (Not, BTW, that I consider myself a great leader!)
No, really. Does Nelson Mandela ever say- 'Nah I'm going to take a doona day'.
Did Marie Curie ever say, 'No work for me today! I am going to eat brioche and paint my toenails.'
Do captains of industry have a sick day?
Well, this Captain of a small industry wanted to wag so badly it hurt. Gandalf pushed me out the door wth one stern look. I snarled at him and ended up having a pretty good day. In my heart, I knew I had to go. I had to finish what I started and put a full stop on the last few weeks.

Today was historic in a number of ways. Clarity came to visit on the back of the new moon. Calmness, perspective and lots and lots of laughter again at work!

I am happy I worked today.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

No more drama

So here's the thing. What you focus on is what you get. Today I made the conscious choice to only focus on what we have, not what we have lost.
I feel good. I am good. It's all good. Good.

Turning down the drama dial takes courage and no better time to take arms and fight the drama than now with the New Moon in Cancer. No more drama and create some emotional boundaries, goddamit.

Today I have the loveliest interactions with women all day. From all the gorgeous Goddesses I work with, to dear friends who called me or rang me for no particular reason: The Contessa, The Scribe, Fishgirl, The Grecian Goddess, The Good Doctor and a surprise phonecall from a lovely Sydney friend of a friend. So special.
Sometimes it is the women in our lives who are the icing.
They all made me feel much loved.
I love it when peeps contact me for no reason other than 'Wat up?' I don't trust chicks with no friends. Women are the reason.

No more drama in our lives!