Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hey you up there!

Sometimes you can feel the engine whirring and the cogs turning at a metaphysical level. You know there are things happening out there for you but you are not yet ready to know about them.
I feel that way at the moment. I can feel things happening in the ether yet I do not know what they are. I know they are good. I am know I am excited. I know.

Meanwhile, I sit and I trust.
I surrendered yesterday with a few tears to the Goddess Bookkeeper. Tired and detoxing from everything bad in my life, I was clearly at a low point. No judgment, no shame. I just needed a quick weep with the Goddess and I was right as rain today. In fact, I had a great day. I laughed.
I worked on good things. My new Spiritual Business website is nearly ready to launch and I tell ya it looks the biz! It's 'dead posh' and I frankly could not be a happier little human.

Of course dear ones, I will let you know if anything eventuates. Just thinking about the possibilities makes my head tingle. The thing about expectation is to NEVER imagine what it will look like. Why? Because it will look nothing like you imagined. Kinda like love.
If you think you know what is coming and only look for that then you will deny yourself other opportunities and wonderful things. The best days have been when I happenstanced across something or someone.
My Gandalf came to me that way. One minute dropping of a video (yes, it was the 90's) and next minute meeting the man who was The One!
I think that is why we are better are seeing opportunities when we are younger. We have fewer expectations.
Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.

Right time to climb off my high horse.



Anonymous said...

Oh i love this post.
So, so true.
My best things have come when i let go of 'pictures' too...amazing.
(PS i feel amazing things in the ether for you too...for all of us...i think they will come to light after the eclipse on the 1st august).

Kate Forster said...

Bring on the eclipse.
Thanks honey and thank for posting. I can always rely in you my dear one!