Thursday, July 03, 2008

Get up lazy head!

Today was my last day doing 3 jobs of late. It took all I had to crawl to work this morning, I didn't want to go. So much for being Spiritual, huh?
I wonder if great leaders ever feel that? (Not, BTW, that I consider myself a great leader!)
No, really. Does Nelson Mandela ever say- 'Nah I'm going to take a doona day'.
Did Marie Curie ever say, 'No work for me today! I am going to eat brioche and paint my toenails.'
Do captains of industry have a sick day?
Well, this Captain of a small industry wanted to wag so badly it hurt. Gandalf pushed me out the door wth one stern look. I snarled at him and ended up having a pretty good day. In my heart, I knew I had to go. I had to finish what I started and put a full stop on the last few weeks.

Today was historic in a number of ways. Clarity came to visit on the back of the new moon. Calmness, perspective and lots and lots of laughter again at work!

I am happy I worked today.


Anonymous said...

ooh, there is a pride in that. I had a - shall we say - sabbatical? - just NO energy whatsoever, and very sore eyes from sobbing at watching Kanyini last night. Odd.
BUT back to it tomorrow. Thank GOD the moon is no longer balsamic, as much as i like the word:)

holymotherofgod said...

Mmmm, balsalmic moon.

*/suddenly craves spinach salad with balsamic dressing!!

I think everyone wants to play hooky at some point. I can't imagine people immersing themselves in career and not wanting a stay-in-PJs day at some point!!!

Thankfully when you work with good people good times happen.

Kate Forster said...

Right on Ladies! Have a gorgeous weekend.