Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The five point palm-exploding heart technique

I read an interesting article about Mastery last night. "Mastery in one's career and consciouness requires that we consistantly produce results beyond and out of the ordinary."

One way to mastery is to surround yourself with people who are as vibrating as highly as possible, those who ask more of you than you think you can ever achieve. Those who believe in you.
My new phrase I have coined: If they ain't humming then they ain't coming!

Another step is to not have resentment to those Masters around you. "Develop compassion for yourself so you can be in the presence of masters and grow from the experience. Rather than comparing yourself and resenting people who have mastery, remian open and receptive, let the experinence be like the planting of the seed within you that, with nourishment, will into your own individual mastery."

And the final pearl is is, " You must be able to correct yourself without invaildating or condemming yourself. "

Me, Grasshopper likey, likey!

"It's the wood that should fear your hand, not the other way around. No wonder you can't do it, you acquiesce to defeat before you even begin. "
Pai Mei- Kill Bill 2


Mrs Underhill said...

Hmmm - interesting - was reading about 'vibrations' myself in the wee hours in a book by these guys - you would already have been familiar with them.
Got a hysterical dream to share with you soon
Weave on ...

Kate Forster said...

If you are reading that, then go to this site and have a look around. It's free and they don't spam you alot.

All Abraham Hicks people and forum and so on.

Those Beach Boys had it right, even thuogh one of them is now crazy, but Good Vibrations is the way to go baby!

I look forward to interpreting your dream Contessa.

Dream Weaver

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know i log on daily to your little gems...thank you...keep them coming!
xx fish

Kate Forster said...

Thanks for that Fish! So kind of you to say so. Keeps me connected and on track, glad that you get a little something out of it also.

Thanks for reading.

Dream weaver