Monday, July 03, 2006

Just My Luck

As a guilt ridden parent I allowed my daughter, who had to sit through 2 hours of medical procedures today, to take me to a movie of her choice and she wanted to cook the family dinner. Bless her, cooking for the family is still an adventure. Wish I still had the same mojo for this task. Sorry, I digress.
First things first, the movie. Just My Luck with Lindsay Lohan [her birthday yesterday, just found this out when I went to this link, nice syncro moment] and a supporting cast of who cares. I secretly love a preteen movie and this hit all the spots, great clothes, slapstick and a Top 40 soundtrack. The premise is that the luckiest girl in the world kisses the unluckiest boy in the galaxy and they they swap luck, her life turns to shit and his turns to gold, yaydayadayadaya.

As I watched, I wondered if the main character created her own drama after a random tarot reading foretold of her change in the Wheel of Fortune. Did she allow herself to doubt for a moment and then start to attract negative energy ? Her choice were pretty crap, no thought, none of the smarts and moxie she displayed when she was in her luck phase. She didn't get unlucky she got stupid and became a victim.
The Good Doctor in W.A told me of an experiment where people two groups of people were bought together, one considered them lucky and the other unlucky. They were told to go through a newspaper and count the amount of times a particular worked appeared in the dummy newspaper. The groups got started. I don't know the specific statistics but it ended up that the 'lucky' group found an ad quite early on in the paper that said something to the effect,
" Stop counting, the word you are looking for appears 21 times." So they stopped.
The unlucky group didn't see the ad and spent lots of time looking for the word and most of them got the number wrong of how many times it appeared. Those who had seen it thought it was a trick so they ignored it, making their search harder for themselves.
The moral of this story is to look for the signs and you will suddenly find yourself on track and on purpose. Pay attention and then trust your instincts.
All this from a Lindsay Lohan movie.

Dinner was excellent. Divine Scorp Daughter made tacos with the works, the her own dessert combo of vanilla ice-cream, strawberry topping and garnished with jubes. Classy huh?
It was actually nice in a primary school sort of a way.

Divine 5 yr old Piscean Son is becoming a little 'astrowunderkind'. I saw an interview with Winona Ryder on the E! channel during the taco extravaganza and I commented that she was looking a bit dodgy and sad and I wondered what sign she falls under. Small Fish Son made comment that she looked like a 'Scorpian'. There is no judgement from him attached to this statement but blow me down with a feather boa when I just now googled Winona and she is a Scorpio!
The little freak has the gift.

"Some magic's real."
Cole in The Sixth Sense

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