Monday, July 17, 2006

Where's the divinity?

Difficult day for a few, have done some research and have discovered that we can blame it entirely on the planets! Thank god, its never us is it?
No really, I have thought about this, I never want to use astrology as an arguement for diminished responsibilty but today is actually about the stars.
With the Sun, Pluto, the Moon and Chrion hanging out together and the Moon in Aries, a fiery little sign, this makes for National Ego Day with an extra serving of fuck you!
I read that we should repeat to ourselves "Where's the divinity ?" and look for it all around us as it lurks quietly as not to make to much noise for fear of retribution from the mafia planets all cosied up together. Not to worry, this evening will bring in the Moon in Taurus and the Goddess will appear. Bless her!

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