Thursday, July 20, 2006

Inspiration and respiration

Living on purpose. I am aware that most of my heartache lately has been that I have been entirely reactive and not living in Spirit. I have been living from what I think my ego needs, not what my spirit requires. So back to creating the intention, letting it go and feeding the soul not the ego.
All your 'problems' will be taken care of in creative ways that you could not even make up, life is stranger than fiction. Accept the amazing, the astonishing and awe-inspiring, anything is possible and everything matters.
Gandalf and I stayed up late last night and discussed the fact that Spirituality helps us but doesn't define us or make us better than anyone else and nor does it give us a reason, its just supports us, cheers and cradles us in stormy times. The narrative of our life so far should not define us either but we allow it to everytime we get caught up in habitual drama.
I think of importance of the Yoga breath, everytime we take a inhale we are starting again, every exhale is a choice: stay the same or change what is not working.
Just breathe.

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