Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Some pig!

I have been thinking about my message left on the rear screen of my car.
Some may think this, sure, in fact I have been loser at many things; love, craps, the gee gees on Oaks Day, but I think 'Loser' as a general description of me maybe harsh and judgemental.
I see these as not 'loser' moments but as Domonique the Wonderful would say, as 'Learning Opportunities.' For example: Never fall in love with a dope smoking journo, never play craps just because you were a fan of Guys and Dolls and never bet on a horse on Oaks Day if recommended as by Blessed's ex boyfriend.

It is important to move on and see myself as many other things besides being a loser. In the vain of Charlottes Web, I hope that the little spider who is inscribing my automobile might think of some other things to say that may highlight my finer points and better moments in life.
Perhaps 'Winner' might be to high a praise, but 'Also Ran' could be considered as may 'Rookie'.
How about 'Tolerable'? 'Passable' even 'Bearable' would suffice.

However, I will wait and see what is written tomoorow and hang onto the fact that I am always learning and being bettter than I used to be.

"But, Charlotte," said Wilbur, "I'm not terrific."
"That doesn't make a particle of difference," replied Charlotte. "Not a particle. People believe almost anything they see in print."

Charlottes Web
E.B White

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very funny and very clever....not loserish at all.

Love Gandalf