Saturday, March 25, 2006

First you see it, then you believe it!

I did have wack dreams after the Voodoo movie. It disturbed me and I have thought about it a bit this morning. The whole premise, without any spoilers, is that if we believe in the magic then it will happen. Sometimes the belief is even beyond our control, no matter what the mind says, sometimes the heart knows differently.
Wayne Dyer speaks of seeing it first then believing in its potential to actualise. I am trying to move to a new level of consciousness at the moment.

For those who do not know what the levels of consciousness are here is a brief and crude explanation. If you already know then refresh yourself or skip this part.

Level 0—Deep sleep
Level 1—Dreaming or hypnagogic [which is the state between asleep and awake]
Level 2—Mere awareness or unresponsive waking state;
Level 3—Self awareness that is dull and meaningless
Level 4—Passive and reactive, normal consciousness that regards life 'as a grim battle'
Level 5—An active, spontaneous, happy consciousness in which life is exciting and interesting

Level 6—A transcendent level where time ceases to exist.
Level 7- Unity consciousness, we are all One withing the Source

I live mostly in Level 5, occasionally going to Level 4 [I blame PMS], and fleetingly I visit Level 6. This is where manifestations occur. It is in the 6th state where the time gap between unmanifest and manifest gets smaller. I visit this state in my dreams, easily and comfortably.
How do I get there in waking life, stay there when there is so much outside noise and static interfering? It is in the most peculiar of moments that I get to the 6th state in waking life, it feels like I took a wrong turn and found myself at a destination I didn't know I was heading in, yet it is the exact place I need to be.
I know the answer is meditation but I am uncomfortable when I try, I feel super faux when I sit. Something to work on I suppose. What we resist will most persist.

Interesting I spent the morning with a friend and professional peer, where he did not ask me one question about myself or my life. Not one. Not even How are You?
I struggled with this for about 10 minutes, but then I realised that my Spirit did not need his attention or questions or interest, my ego did. And his ego was clearly having a soapbox moment as he talked about himself the whole time so he was obviously feeling some stuff that he was stuggling with, why else would ego be so prominant. I sent him white light throughout our meal together and love and let go of my own ego. I am now noticing how often some people always talk about themselves constantly, they are the ones with untamed egos. I see myself in their incessant self referred discussion also. I have been that, I am that still at times, I hope not to be that anymore.

What do I want to be ? A host to the Source or a hostage to my ego.

I move around the outside of all of this and dabble, I have dipped my toe in the waters many times and it is a warmth that I have not felt before, it is now time to immerse myself completely and surrender. Ego to self.
Intention does not come from ego.

Stay with the intention Dream Weaver.

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