Thursday, March 09, 2006

Moon In Cancer

Well, the moon really is in Cancer as my Loved Scorp Sister was diagnosed with the evil disease yesterday. Well now, didn't ask for this in the spell that I caste when I asked for her healing a few weeks ago, cancer wasn't even a a variable at that stage!

And suddenly the world stops turning for a moment, then moves again but everything looks a little different, more special and fragile somehow. I cannot even imagine my world without her, won't imagine it. "To infinity and beyond!" as Buzz Lightyear said.

There are some threads that I have to put together in relation to her journey that I would like to investigate a little more. Looked up the Louise Hay: Heal Your Body book. Gave her an affirmation to repeat to help the blackspots disappear form her bloodstream.

Off now to the House of Sickness to sit and be with her. Will leave you with my favourite quote from Christina Rossetti, one of Beloveds favourite poets.

"For there is no friend like a sister,
In calm or stormy weather,
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands."

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