Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sibyls Feeding Fish!

Waxed lyrical with the Sibyls under a Full Moon, invoked the moon goddess within us to reveal herself. We did a mediatation after the spell and allowed the Goddess to speak through us, I felt reflective and internal, like the moon, which reflects the light from the sun.

The full moon is when earth sits between the sun and the moon, I sat between the Sibyls and blessed them for their friendship and wondered aloud how a woman can survive without her girlfriends.

Apparently Princess Diana , who shared her name with a moon goddess, Diana the Huntress, experienced many of her lifes critical moments during eclipses, also fewer babies are born during eclipses.

Eclipse in Aries on the 29th. Tap into your Aries power and open yourself to your creative energy and pay attention to your dream is what I have been told!

Just Do It! Trés Rambo!

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