Thursday, March 16, 2006

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra, soul issues, extra "sensa" and health conscious apparently.
Hmm, my day started off to a great start when I stepped in dog poo, inside no less! Nice.
Not one my better mornings.

I am seeing this moon messing with a few people though. Blessed's off her game as the Moon is in her Soul sector: issues popping up like pimples, the Sylph Libran is extra sensa. Brave Lioness has a run in with an unknown preservative and this has resulted in a completely new facial structure. I don't mind it, still as fabulous as ever but she's not diggin it so much.

Had the Angel Healer onto my Loved Scorp Sister re: health issues, lots of work there to be done but positive.

Still haven't seen my godddess, my Goddess bookkeeper with wings on her heels claims that I didn't need to do that spell and perhaps I needed to lessen my Goddess tendancies, not sure, maybe she was confusing Goddess with Princess. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

can i get a definition of Goddess?

Anonymous said...

A wight of exeptional ability or power, which is divine. Intimately connected with the land, or a people, or some archetypal ability or practice. In Asatru, every thing, every person, every concept even has a god.