Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I get it ok!

Life really has a funny way of working things out for you.

After a stressful conversation with Domonique the Wonderful re: staff member who cannot see that she has no mojo for her job, thus should work elsewhere and which then pierced my dreams last night, has come into my office to discuss her ongoing role here. I spoke my truth and she spoke hers, its was so warm and fuzzy, I felt my little pissholes fill up with tears of relief and we decide to call it a day! Good for her, good for us. Squish.
Really, she is actually brilliant at something else in her life and should concentrate on that and use her job to merely support her passion for this other thing. We need someone who is passionate about their role here and loves it all the time, this is their contract, their dharma. Love what they do and do what they love.

Thanks universe for making it all ok for her and us. Didn't want to be an arsehole, bad Karma!
Was it the spell? Did it all just come to a head? Did I let go and just think that it would work itself out?

Mystic Medusa did say the following on my scope today: It could happen like this today: some strange and intense psycho-dramas in your social circuit turn out to be more 'friendly' than you first thought.
The Snake Haired one knows her shit I tell ya!!!

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