Friday, August 18, 2006


I am thinking about spell craft and a story that I heard from a very together, optimistic friend of mine. She told me about a friend of hers who was so superstitious that when she broke a mirror just before her wedding, she convinced herself that this was the SIGN that her impending nuptials were doomed. My friend persuaded her that she could off set the broken mirror curse by performing the Ancient Pepper Mill on the Head Twirling Tradition from Early Europe. You know the rest: she did the spell, got married and they all lived happily ever after.
Only thing is that the Early European tradition was entirely fabricated. My friend knew that this girl needed to offset her beliefs with something else, this was the way to slay the thoughts that had the power to ruin her relationship. She also had the power to repair it and protect it from negative forces, both from herself and the world. Her intention and knowing was the key to her success.

Spell casting not the chants we write and read out, it's not the herbs and the incense or the candles. It is the intention in the words and the deep knowing in your heart that you are allowed to have what you desire. You know you are meant to have this at a deeper level, you feel it intuitively. The lyrical phrases, the smells, the flame and the charms are all ingredients to add to your intention that you are cooking, but you, my dearests, are the oven.
The more the fire in the belly roars combined with the fanning of your passionate heart the greater your dream has of rising and setting, this is when things are Meant.
This is to KNOW at a multi-sensory level and understand and acknowledge that there is an invisible cord that binds us all across galaxies and time brings us to what we desire if we allow.

The act of standing with a few of my closest female friends and say what it is that I need is powerful. To time these small ceremonies with the rhythms of the earth, the seasons and the moon is merely our act of hubris, accepting that it is all much bigger and greater than we could ever hope to be. And to be with some of the women in my life and asking them for their support, to keep me on track, on purpose and to behave with integrity at all times is a vow, a soul promise for all of us.

Sagittarius is the astrological sign that loves Ritual. I have Jupiter, the Planet of Luck and Neptune, the Planet of Illusion in Sagg. Is this why I love it so much? It is the illusion of the ritual that brings me luck? Who knows.
I also have Sagg in my 5th House- The House of Pleasure. Which means I spoil my kids and give them the BEST of everything, I have big parties and love to entertain and I love a spiritual/philsopical drama that gives meaning to life and its significance. Sagg in the 6th House is the House of Health, which explains my beliefs in positive thinking, the inspiration and the spiritual growth through helping others.

I am at best, I suppose an idealist, but I have seen the other side, the darkness, the doubt, the endless nights of worry, tears and shame and I now know that things change if YOU change them and you start with your words, your thinking, your heart and then your soul and once you change you cannot take it back.
It is done.
So mote it be.

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