Friday, August 11, 2006

How, me Chief Creepy!

I heard an expert on the radio saying we should only be working 4-6 hours a day. I work 6 hours a day at work, but I work many hours when the kids go to bed but I do not mind this. I do suffer if I work later in the office as I am not used to it. I become a little kooky and off kilter, a little freaky, like this doll!
I wish the staff could work 6 hours a day but my clients don't work to that schedule, would be better for all of them if they did, there is lots of stress with them at times, and I have concerns for their mental and physical health.

I discussed work and life with Blessed last night whilst looking at bridal magazine from Italy, man, the Italians take their weddings seriously, fantastical and unapologetic, what it should be.

Today is apparently a good day to revisit your dreams with the general scope saying things are a little misty out there.

I dreamt about finding the perfect pair of boots but I couldn't find the dress to wear though.
The boots represent the skills I have recently acquired to walk through life but the clothes represent that I don't know how people see be or I don't know how I want people to see me in this role. I am not comfortable in the role yet. I am creating a new role in life. This could be 1 of 2 things. It could be role at work that requires me to man the helm with my new learning's or it could be this bog and the moving forward of my life from what I am learning here. Or in fact it could be both.
I will wait to see what emerges, that's half the fun of it all, waiting, watching and then laughing at how perfect it all is!

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