Monday, August 07, 2006

Moonie Tunes

This is a picture of Hecate, Goddess of the dark phase of the moon by William Blake. He saw her as negative in this picture, but I think not, Mr Blake. Artemis and Selene sit in either side, they represent the new and the full moon respectively. Hecate was originally a Goddess of the Wilderness and Childbirth. This is why I suppsoe so many midwifes were seen to be witches for their magical herbal potions and connection with the cord of life and death. She is also seen as the Goddess of of Sorcery, the Queen of the Ghosts and the Goddess of Wicca. I like her, she means business, is able to surf both sides of the underworld and heavens and has forgiveness in her heart.

I am becoming a Moonie, I am sure of it. The more work I do according to the moon cycles then the better life gets. I was reading this whacko Astro Doctor on the weekend who has predicted 9/11 and other history making events and he works with the moon also. I did consider ordering a reading but I would have to sell a kidney, trés pricey!
I just worked out a whole cycle for someone who wants to wish for things and I suggested she work with the moon cycles, we devised each working around the moon, both new and full and she will ask for specifics around these.
This maybe of interest to you:

Moon in ARIES is the best time for spells involving authority, rebirth, leadership; healing spells of the face and head.

Moon in TAURUS is the best time for spells involving love, money, acquisition; healing spells for the throat and neck.

Moon in GEMINI is the best time for spells involving communication, writing, travel; healing spells for the arms, hands, and lungs.

Moon in CANCER is the best time for spells involving the home and for honoring lunar gods and goddesses; healing of the chest and stomach.

Moon in LEO is the best time for spells involving authority, courage, fertility; healing of the upper back, spine, heart.

Moon in VIRGO is the best time for spells involving employment, health, diet; healing of the intestines and nervous system.

Moon in LIBRA is the best time for spells involving justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise), artistry; healing of the lower back and kidneys.

Moon in SCORPIO is the best time for spells involving power, psychic growth, sex; healing of the reproductive organs.

Moon in SAGITTARIUS is the best time for spells involving travel, sports, truth, horses; healing of the liver and thighs.

Moon in CAPRICORN is the best time for spells involving organization, ambition, career, politics; healing of the knees, bones, teeth, skin.

Moon in AQUARIUS is the best time for spells involving science, freedom, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions; healing of the calves, ankles, blood.

Moon in PISCES is the best time for spells involving music, art, telepathy, dreams; healing of the feet and lymph glands.

Looked for a moon quote and found this;

"The wailing owl Screams solitary to the mournful moon." David Mallet

Bloody owls still following me around. Maybe I was an owl in a past life, twit two wooh! Yes, there is an owl in the picture, just noticed it!

Maye this day be a good one and to you a Good Day!

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