Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Dust Settles

Interesting dreams around rebirth and death and masculine energy to create new opportunities in the business. Gandalf dreamt about cats, which symbolise your trusting your intuition.
I presented to staff which I thought went quite well, they seemed as into it as they could be when it isn't their business. I did have good meeting with the accountant and the bookkeeper who both had lovely things to say about my ;earnings and drive and big vision. Ah the Universe is treating me right I tell you!
I did wonder out loud about a few things today and when I returned they were all sorted for me, so I did a little dance for the Libran Sylph and Gandalf and was told not to do that in public anymore. I have taken this advice on, I think in hindsight I regret the knee lift which moved in a high kick.
No matter.
Did a Soul Path chart for the Goddess Bookkeeper and she had a bit of a cry as it all finally made sense to her, so divine that it can be explained so easily and you can see what you need to focus on and forget the rest. If it ain'tin the chart then dont't worry about it, that stuff doesn't matter.
I am planning on doing one for The Contessa on Monday night, she has a fascinating chart, complex and layered, like a tiramasu. The Tiramasu of Astrology.

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