Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Altars 101

I recently bought a divine little 1920's bamboo table, covered in a lush beaded cloth and hey presto -I have myself an altar. Altars have been used forever and they are a personal space in which to give thanks, connect to the Source and create positive energy and magic to those around you, your archetypes, your guides, your loved ones who have passed over and those who travel with you in this lifetime. I read a lovely tip that suggests that you change your alter with the new moon, it should reflect the changing state of your life and encourages you to pay attention to your inner life as strengthen your connection to your inner self and the non-local.
I don't pray at it, but some people do, which is terrific for them. You can meditate at it, you can offer gratitude and send blessings.
Some people use their mantle piece as an altar or an table, a dressing table, it doesn't matter really.
An altar is not just a place for religious artifacts, like Buddha or Jesus, it can house any archetypes that you honor. I probably would put a picture of Oprah on there and then others days a photo of the changleings and Gandalf or some of my divine women friends might make it on there, it is whatever and whoever is important to you.
Photos of loved ones, pets, archetypes, fresh flowers, shiny things, affirmations, shells, coins leaves, crystals, candles, anything that takes your fancy that month. I knew someone who realised she was drinking to much so she put a bottle of beer on her altar that meant that she began to notice how she was worshipping alcohol which stopped her behavior immediately. You can build an altar inside, outside and even on your desk at work. I am going to take a few flowers in today to set one up at work.
You can theme them, is it an prosperity altar, a fertility altar, a relationship altar, a healing altar? Remeber to dust regulary, change with the new moon and go with your intuition as to what you need on your altar. Here is link to inspire you to think about some of the gods and goddesss you may like on your altar.
Have fun with it, its not going to hurt anyone and will get you in touch with your creative self.
I am off to go and play with my desk and move it all around, the Goddess Bookeeper is in today, so I will be vibrating on that extra special level.

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