Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Where are we up to?

Had a lazy day at home with 4 year old and watched half of Bell, Book and Candle, since I was so inspired from my previous posting.

I did visit my favourite shop Qi and bought a few things for work and very stressed bedfellow & business partner. Poor love, been stepping in spiritual dogshit all day with staff who are continually making mistakes at the moment. Is it planetary ?

Bought him a Dream Spell, a Green Calcitite crystal [clears negative and blocked energy. Helps you remember and also makes you more aware of humanity and creativity] and an Orange Adventurine crystal [Orange Aventurine helps to relieve migraine, soothes the eyes and skin irritations. It is useful when feeling limited, inhibited or confined especially within one’s own thoughts. Orange Aventurine stimulates creativity and enhances personal power. It attracts love, money and prosperity. It also enhances intellectual powers and promotes communication].

He has just done the Dream Spell, it called for a flat stone, he used the 4 year olds pet rock, does this dull the effect at all? I hope it adds to the magic, he is a friendly rock I am sure.

I also bought an aromatherapy oil for work: Computer Relief comprising of cedarwood, rosewood, patchouli, pine and bergamot, smells lovely will trial it tomorrow in the studio and report back to you. The studio is an awful room with no natural light and long, like a laboratory. All very cliqued and uninspiring.
I am looking forward to the renovation.

Back to work tomorrow, I am feeling quite vibed for good things to occur.

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