Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Intuition baby

Much discussed potential staff recruitment here today. Why are creatives so god dammed precious? Its not art, its design, mutha phukas!
Meanwhile, got shirty with Domonique the Wonderful today! Sorry! I blame no-one but myself and my "ish"ues!
Rang a much trusted recruitment agency, I know that's an oxymoron, but she does care on a deeper level and did place the Bohemian Pisces with me to much success.
I said to her that I cannot and will not be Dr Phil in the office anymore. She understands.

Gandalf and I have spent a large part of the day discussing the weightings of talent over a potential personality disorder.
Do we hire a creative genius who is, as a referee said, "a bit different, he is not always aware of what is appropriate in the workplace?" Does that mean he pulls his pants down and does nudey runs round the studio every time he renders something ? Does he have a troll doll collection on his desk that he talks to and leaves snacks out for ? Is he the office psycho who like a friend of mine experienced, ate all the olives out of her salad that she bought into work and then told her about it?

Almost makes me want to hire him just to see what happens next.....almost.
Said to Gandalf and Domonique the Wonderful on the phone, would we, as Tom Ford said, have him over for dinner at our house? The answer is no.

Trust your intuition.

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