Thursday, February 09, 2006

Do our thoughts create the future ?

Sent the Brave Lioness who works with me on a Thursday and Friday down for a new oil burner, mine looked like it had crude oil in the bottom of it, disgusting and not at all conducive for creating ambience.

"Slim pickin's", she said on her arrival back, holding a perfectly acceptable burner in her hand. I was satisfied with it, quite nice in self-effacing way. She has better taste than I though.
So what do I know ? It was squat and hardy looking with a nice patina, like me in many ways.
I recognized myself in the oil burner. I am going mad.

Slim picking's seems to be the theme for the day. Where is the money at the moment? Wherever it is right now, comes the answer back to me.
I know this fact, I spout this as my own philosophy, but I tell you, its absence is far more noticeable than its presence.
Quite a few people I know are going through cash challenges right now.
Blessed Seraph has recommended this book The Energy of Money.
I will buy on the weekend.

"If your faith is in all-sufficeiency of supply, then so is your life....
If your faith is on the dial set if insufficiency, then there will never be enough to meet your needs. Your world simply reflects your faith."

John Randolph Price

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