Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Is that hair gel?

Two staff reviews done, a proposal written, two tenders reviewed and a lunch with Birthday Gandalf at Ciccolina.

The Moon in Virgo has been very good to us, a good news phone call for the Blessed Seraph reminding her to have faith and trust in the advice from her Sibyls on both sides of town. Brave Lioness is taking care of business and not taking shit from anyone least of all anything directed at her Dr Feelgood [ beware when she shakes her mane of curls], and the Bohemian Pisces took all advice in her review with class and grace and had a lightbulb session with Domonique the Wonderful.

Tomorrow I am happy to spend an entire day with the Goddess Bean Counter Extraordinaire.
I used to hate Wednesdays, money day, now I love them. My Wednesday affirmation is going to be: I welcome abundance into my life.
I will write on a sticky note and place on my computer to remind whenever I freak out about money leaving the bank account and stay in a state of wealth consciousness.

Was about to sign off, but someone just told me that a mate of theirs put Vicks Vaporub in their hair as they had a head cold ! I will leave you with this to ponder.

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