Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bring on the 18th

I am over this Mercury Retrograde. Apparently this transit brings on burglary, which a dear one was subjected to yesterday. It is the 2nd robbery I have heard of since Mercury started going backwards, making me wonder about this transit and whether it is helpful in any way.
I am feeling it, I was most uneasy yesterday I double checked all my doors and left the radio on in the house, hoping that the sounds of banal pop music would scare the would be robbers away, Goddess Bookkeeper came to work and mentioned her uneasiness about her home, so the current in the air is edgy and foreboding of something that is difficult to name and grasp.
I pulled a Zen Tarot card that best represents the air and The Rebel was the one I drew.
Food for thought.
The air is thick with rebellion at the moment, certainly things are going awry in my world, the Rebel asks us the live our life with truth and take responsibility for our lives, difficult to do in a Mercury Retrograde transit.
Here's a link that has some good tips for this time. I am off to do a final list of things to look before Mercury goes direct on Saturday.

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