Thursday, November 09, 2006

Be Authentic

I am reading a wonderful book about Buddhist practices in the workplace and one of these is being authentic. You cannot prove anything to anyone if they are not willing to see your gifts or special abilities. You are the only witness to your enlightenment and gifts. Stop trying to prove it and choose to know instead.
You are more than your job, you are more than the name on the door or the payrise or the car, you are you and when you choose authenticity and not trying to prove it then you are more confident and present.
"Resting in your natural state of being" is the phrase used. Being "Who we are where we are" is the key and the very essence of authenticity. "Be yourself and the rest will follow," my Mum said to me on the first day at new school, she was right. I was and it did. But you already knew that huh? But don't try to prove it to me or anyone else, thats the trick.

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