Monday, October 16, 2006

Zen and the art of change

I threw some Zen Tarot last night, a modern version of the tarot. I liked it, very to the point and spot on in my case. I did the Flying Bird reading, which charts your rise in consciousness as you learn from each experience. I started at Aloneness and ended up at Thunderbolt, with lots of fun in between.
One card which I found interesting was the Change card, the symbol of which is a Storm in the shape of an I-Ching coin. The card encourages us to head for the centre of the circle, the eye of the storm. It is only in the eye of the storm that we can see the patterns swirling around us, you are safe in the middle and when you can see the patterns you are in then you can break them.
So I suppose next time you are encountering stormy times, go into the middle and take a look around you, don't flirt on the edge. Go into yourself and the patterns will be come familiar and this you will see which ones are harmful, habitual and necessary.

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