Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday 13th

Today is Friday the 13th.Let be kind to the number 13.It has significance to many cultures and groups of believers.

In Christianity, there were 13 people at the Last Supper.

In Judaism, 13 is the age of maturity , as celebrated in a Bar Mitzvah.

In the Sikh religion, 13 is is "tera" in Punjabi, which is the same as "yours"[I am yours, O Lord].

Chinese like the number as it sounds similar to " must be alive".

Modern Witches like the number 13 , as this is the maximum amount to have in a coven.

This is, in my heart a lovely day. I see it as the culmination of Blessed Seraph fulfilling her witchiness, as she moved into her house today with her dearest Ram-Beau. Exactly 321 days after casting her first spell and now she is living out her wishes and dreams.
This picture is how I see Blessed today, wiggling her nose and making it all happen.

It's a wonderful Friday the 13th for her and I hope you have a magic day also!

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