Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Charts and therapy

I just did a chart for valued staff member and I tell you, it was fascinating! Confirmed all my thoughts about her, she is unique and amazing and massively talented, Gemini Sun which inspires creativity and Moon in Virgo which makes her a neat freak with a dash of perfectionism.
The charts are amazing, and although I am merely an astro high schooler, I still see the patterns and influences. I have recently been able to guess peoples sun signs, crazy stuff, its not even surprising now!
I have been reading about the Primary Asteroids: Pallas, Ceres, Juno and Chiron.

• Pallas is your ability to recognize patterns and solve problems.
• Juno is the partner you should seek in life.
• Chiron is the Soul Wound you need to heal in this lifetime .
• Ceres is our how we should nutrue and be nurtured in this lifetime.

All fascinating, deeper andd deeper in the astrology hole and I go, and where I will land nobody knows!

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