Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Intention and Retention

The Good Doctor from W.A and I discussed Intention last night as I am having trouble with getting the intention right for a project I am working on. Right now, it's all a bit vague and esoteric at this point. 'Don't force it' is what we came too in our talk, let it happen organically and emerge as each obstacle or inspiration arises. It took the pressure right off and I have fabulous dreams about moving furniture in my new hoarse with Gandalf!
I am off to work now to get my fellow staff members to work with Intention today, more later.

Moon is In Aquarius which means emotions are measured and intellectual.
Mercury is in Scorpio which equal- edgy tongue, be careful with your words today, in the words of Thumper from Bambi, "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all."

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