Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Just read it!

I am a book collector. I am, I have almost no time to read and I suffer from an unfortunate condition upon whenever I read in bed I am overcome by narcolepsy. Strange but true and disappointing considering my backlog of books to read is not funny anymore. I feel mildly stressed and disappointed in myself when I approach my night stand or study as they are piled everywhere, giving the impression that I am some sort of intellectual and learned soul but I am a hoax, a fake, a myth, I have no time to read!!!!
I recently went to Borders to buy a magazine and emerged with another bag of books, it is a problem and its got to stop. I am hereby announcing my intention to stop buying books until I have read the ones I have, which should mean I will not buy nooks for at least 12 months. Ha, you say, ha, you mock, I know, but it must stop and this is my promise.
So I have to look at my time and allocate some of it to reading. I read lots of magazines, so I will no longer buy these and I will use the time to read a book, good start, feeling more virtuous already.
I will not watch as much crap TV and use this time for reading. Same goes for the silly, random google searches that I entertain myself with at nighttime in front of the crappy TV.
Wow, I am in the groove now, must be astro transit stuff. Hang on, I will look up......

Sun Squares Mars- which means big talk! There you have it my friend, more talk, less reading and the circle goes round again.

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