Thursday, October 12, 2006

Golden Thoughts

This is Prudence leading Peace and Abundance by Vouet -1645.
Prudence is care, caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead.
Peace is a state of tranquillity or serenity.
Abundance is an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply.
Working together, they are a powerful trio. A compelling arguement.
You can have peace and abundance if you are lead by prudence.
She's your gal on this one folks!

Prosperity in Latin means "To have hope, success an good fortune."
This, of course, in the enlightened mind does not refer to money. If you are in an attitude of abundance and have a prosperous attitude to life the Universe will open up the flow to you. Abundance is our natural state of being, if we are in a state of balance then you should expect the manifestation of your goals. Balance, though, is the natural enemy of our society. There is no balance as far as I can see. We have an unreasonable religion/fear based work ethic, which does not reward us, but merely keeps us in a state of panic, running on the mouse wheel. We get caught up on paying the bills and not looking at the bigger picture.

You can, according to some therapists, retrain your mind to cancel out the low vibration messages you are giving yourself in the everyday. When you catch yourself speaking badly about you negative financial state, cancel out the thought. You can change that a state. There are many means and way to do so, making the decision to change it is the most powerful one.

I know all of this as I used to have a bad month and then suddenly I was in panic, worry and fear. Fear I would lose it all and be destitute on the street. I now realize that that is never going to happen. I am so prosperous now, I have friends and family that would help me so I will never be homeless, I have skills that could get me another job or I could work a second job. I could downsize my life to support the change in circumstances and I let it all go in a heartbeat. There is nothing that cannot be solved, you have warnings in life, signs to let you know to manage things a bit better or be more frugal or more mindful. You are more in control than you realize. The universe is for you not against you.

As some of you know. I have done many rituals, spells , affirmations and bought tools into my business to connect to the flow of prosperity. Guess what they worked! They really did.
But I did not wake up with the winning lottery ticket numbers or a cheque for $500,000 in my bank account, no, no!
I received ideas and signs, syncrodestiny and people who have helped me on my path into abundance. I did get a job for close to that amount, but we have never worked harder to earn that money. I am more in control of my thoughts and I micromanage my business money, with 3 month projections and weekly casflows,the first things I do ever morning when I arrive at work is check my bank reconciliation and my balance. I am in control of my business finances.

God/Goddess is your intuition. Pay attention to it, don't ignore it. It is your prosperity guide. It tells you where to go to connect to your source of abundnace, money, friends, lovers and ideas.

So write a prosperity affirmation today. When you go inot your panic mode, replace the thought with the words, it will change, it changed me, and I am a hard one to change,.

This is my affirmation: I welcome the free flowing abundance into my life with open arms.
I will share it with you till you find one that you like.
Feel free to keep it, its worked for me, I know it will work for you!

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