Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ebb and Flow

I was just reading an interesting piece on asking for things in life, in particular, using Wicca as your tool for drawing things to you. The theory being that if you are asking for rain does someone else suffer drought, if you ask for prosperity then is someone else then struck by poverty and so on, you get the drift.

Life is balanced and so if the saying goes 'for every negative there is a positive', does that mean for every positive there is a negative?

There is no life without death, I have been in rooms when babies cried to announce their arrival to the world and I have sat with others when life slowly edged away from them. The energy is the same at a birth and a death: heightened, desperate and often there are tears and laughter.

I am always amazed when someone loses someone significant in their family, often, within the year a baby is born, easing the pain and the heartache a little. There is nothing like children to put it all into perspective and maintain the balance in life, they are the fairies and we are trolls worrying about who is trip trapping on our bridge.

Perhaps when we wish for ourselves we might add, "With harm to no one, creating balance and if it serves our higher purpose."

I cannot say it better than Mr Jung.

"The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."

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