Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tarot revealed

I did a lot of work on Tarot today, it finally revealed to me what I was always searching for, it's bloody meaning. I have been reading Tarot since I was 15, but this weekend I GOT it!
It was a combo of understanding the archetypes, mythology and seeing that the answers are actually more about taking responsibility for yourself, your choices and behaviors. I also found a new interpretation of the cards which was eye opening and inspiring.
I won't bore you with the details but I did a reading for myself which was incredible and then one for Gandalf which cleared up his melancholia he has been feeling for several months. It really did.
So I have ordered a new set of Tarots, thrown out my old books, they are crap, Tarot for Beginners! I have ordered some new ones and I am back on the Tarot wagon with a vengeance.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dreamweaver,
Please say which books good and bad...i have seventy eight degrees of wisdom and also the beginners tarot and yes, find them hard to read, much prefer glib magazine explanations of certain cards! If you have found a FANTASTIC book on Tarot let us know what it is!!

Kate Forster said...

good point, I have responded in this mornings post!

Mrs Underhill said...

will you READ me one day plse?

Kate Forster said...

T'would be my pleaseure m'lady, no doubt it will portray your strong Empress and Queen archetypes, with all that blueblood flowing through your veins!