Saturday, May 20, 2006

Birth Day on Aventine Hill

My birthday today. I celebrated this by blessing my sisters and I with a Bacchanalian Winters Feast. Absolutely divine day. The original Bacchanalian Feasts were held in secret and attended by women only on Aventine Hill, one of the seven hills that Rome was built on. Ceres the Goddess of agriculture, grain, crops, initiation, civilization, lawgiver and the love a mother bears for her child. Protectress of women, motherhood and marriage also had a temple on Aventine Hill.
The Sibylline Books as written by a Sibyl in Ancient Rome recommended that a cult be made to worship Ceres as to avoid famine and other natural disaters. Hear Hear!
So, whilst there was no orgy [not really the day for it], there was much wine, gorgeous food and heated discussions about sex, boob jobs and the power of the bath and erotic literature amongst some of the Priestess's that surrounded me.

I read upon my return the Astro Forecast for today:
The Moon moving into Pisces this morning and a trine between Venus and Neptune sets up a rather dreamy day. We are more imaginative and attuned to the world of beauty and romance today. Gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. For some of us, a "magical" time on romantic and social levels may be had. As the Sun finishes its transit through Taurus, we might want to reflect on what we have learned about our comfort levels, and what makes us feel truly satisfied and secure.

And well might I say, the day hit every mark. It was dreamy, social, satisfying, imaginative, beautiful and magical.
Wonderful women, all doing wonderful things wonderfully. The Contessa remarked during the lunch what wonderfully groomed friends I had. Of course. I returned, admiring her sleek hair and new colour that made her skin glow like porcelain.
That's a given.

I did have a Halle Berry moment when Blessed Seraph gave a little speech about yours truly, but I was just so darned happy to have so many good women in my life. Everyone there has helped me grow, enjoy life and loves me and I love them.

I received some lovely offerings from my all the Sibyls including glass art, a silver charm of Om in Lapis Lazuli, champagne, bath crystals and candles and hand cream made with mandarin rind, wild rosemary and cedarwood atlas.
I was strung with so many beads and jewels, I glimpsed my past life as Tsarina escaping a wartorn St Petersburg. And of course the Taurean in me sang with silent joy with the global online shopping guide, the erotic Geisha tea cups and the much needed office voodoo kit I had so long coveted.

I set my ashes free in the wind and thought that love with friends is truly magical. If these women love me so much then I have not excuse not to love myself and who I am.
It reconfirmed my belief that our friends are souls that keep coming back together over the eons of time, reconnecting and helping each other grow with a word, a smile and a wink.

Love and Light to you Ladies of the world!

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