Sunday, May 07, 2006

Archetypes Ahoy

So, here's the path:

1] I googled archetypes, up came Jung.

2]Link from the Jung site to Joseph Campbell site.
This Joseph Campbell link tells me that film Stars Wars is based on the his book, The Hero with A Thousand Faces.

3]Pisecean Son had just watched Star Wars that morning and Gandalf had been telling me how he thought it was a very spiritual film, also I just bought The Hero with A Thousand Faces book yesterday! No, really, I did.

4]Then I linked to another site that tells me all about the formula to apply to find out your Primary Archetype- the one that is your destiny, the assignment in life, the archetype that challenges us to the most growth. This is our undeveloped archetype. "The Young Luke Skywalker." [No, shit, it did actually say that.] Also a theory is that the Primary archetype is a bit player from a past life, given a starring role in this one. Process the Karma and get onto your Soul purpose.

Some also have a Higher Archetype, this moves into gear once you have mastered the primary archetype. Once this is done and dusted then you can move onto the more complex Higher archetype. A theory is that those with a Higher Archetype have a responsibility to raise the collective to a higher level of spiritual awareness. Master the Primary and get working on the Higher.

This also tells you how to work out your year ahead and what to expect.

All archetypes and years are based on the major arcana in the tarot!

"Curiouser and curiouser" says Alice.

As an experiment I looked back at a few difficult years in review using the formula and I did see some truth. Oh fuck it, it all made enormous sense to me and I get it more than I have before. I have my Soul Purpose and a guide for the years ahead, too easy.

Formula link here for all you Seekers.
Make sure you also go to the next page, link down the bottom, this gives you a guide to the years and what to expect according to your own formula.

"Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit they are crazy." Nora Ephron


Anonymous said...

what a great post! I do numerology and always looking for tarot/astro similarities - i too am in a chariot year (7), apparently it's hard for us and we won't realise quite how far we've come this year until next we are wiser than usual this year...!

Kate Forster said...

Thank you. Interesting stuff, makes me want to go back to the tarot again. Makes much more sense now that I understand a little about archetypes.
Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Dreamweaver I found you through Mystic Medusa, who came out at the St Kilda Writer's festival the weekend you were at Deepak...fascinating! Did you know she has 40 000 hits to her site per month??? Also, thx to you i found Domonique the wonderful and also that wildly wealthy book...i'm a journalist and always looking for interesting reads...i love your blog (and i don't really read many blogs)! esp as you are in Melbourne, i love the Melbourne-centric comments... keep posting, it's a beautiful blog!

Kate Forster said...

Ah, yes I heard about you from Domonique, she is fantastic. I am in The Lovers Year, but my Primary Archetype is the Chariot, but what is interesting is that I read that the when in the Lovers year you learn alot from Gemini's, Domonique the Wonderful is a Gemini, so that all adds up. I have so much to learn but I am loving it all.

I love Mystic, she has been so supportive of my mission, I was sorry to miss her when she was in Old Melbourne but my dear Sibyls, Blessed Seraph and Piscean Princess went and saw her and had a drink with her after the show.

Thanks so much for reading and caring and your words have given me a real boost.