Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Goddess Transformation 101

I have been reading about archetypes and have decided to transform my Female warrior archetypes into the Goddess archetypes. I am still in battle mode most days, rallying the troops and working on strategy and invasion, possession and building up our ammunition supplies.
I know its time I let go and asked the Goddess to incarnate through me.
It is a process of clearing my soul and asking my ego to be safe and secure whilst I transform safely from Warrior to Goddess as I am battle weary and ready to trust my intuition and be guided and protected by the Source.
I am also trusting and applying the Laws of Attraction, knowing that when I vibrate at a higher level and I clear all negativity out of my life then I will attract new spheres that allows me to vibrate at my highest frequency possible. I had a kinesiology session a few weeks ago where she noted that body was craving a certain type of person. I have an intense need to be around them now, they radiate a certain energy, both personally and professionally.

So basically, I am trying to quit bitching, become more sanguine about it all and only hang out with positive people who are not energy vampires.

Here's to the Goddess!

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