Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Worst Day of the Year is Here!

TWDOTYIH! That's short for The Worst Day of the Year is Here!! No really it is. Officially the worst day in a while, things flying of metaphysical shelves, shit hitting metaphysical fans and almost as though there are specters amongst us. Called Blessed on the batphone, she also has had an arsehole of a day too, not that I take any comfort in my loved ones struggling at the moment, when we spoke I said let's not bore each other with the details, unlike what I am going to do here, where I WILL bore you with the details of my shitty day. "Blessed", I said,"Let's take comfort that we are not in isolation in our cliff jumping thoughts."

Is this the deepest darkness before the dawn, the death hour before rebirth?
Saturn moves later tonight and there is a waxing moon tomorrow in Cancer. Illumination and growth are apparently on order during this moon phase. Man, struggling!
"Be Divine!" the calendar tells me, not a chance with this load, despite grace under pressure and all. I am having crazy dreams at the moment but can't remember any of them! Always a sign I am in a state of flux.

Had Goddess crying in my office, not asking for my help, just crying and struggling with the enormity of her responsibility as a Single Goddess Mother who has no one to help to carry the load.

Gandalf spinning out about the future [as his crystal ball in the shop for repairs] and me trying to interview for new staff and feeling nothing but fear and distress about inviting new people onto the island for concern about them turning out to be bad eggs. I asked for a sign in the interview whether he was the right person or not and when I asked what he wanted in salary he said 10k more than he told the recruitment company!

L. Ron Hubbard Almighty, is that the sign?

I hope not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I didn't discover your blog until after the worst day of the year had past! Apart from a moment of shame when my own integrity was called into question (by myself)it was a pretty good day for me. :)

I am thrilled to discover your blog, Dreamweaver. A friend of yours (JB) put me onto it when I was talking to her about the magic my own blog has been creating for me this year. You and I must have started around the same time. See my March entry on Quantum Physics, if you are intriqued!

Thank you for your eloquence. I am a new fan!