Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Living in Scare City

Accountable accountancy is what I have been working on for several months. I am not at all expressing that I am a financial wizard, I am not but the more I put my head into the sand about my finances the more scared I became and the more stressed I was. This stress manifested itself through my body, my creative expression and my choices. I would do what is termed " Moscow Shopping." I would buy lots of things in case there was ever going to be a shortage, as if I couldn't rely on the shops or my money that was coming to me to ever be there again.
I do a few things now that make me accountable for my choices: I ask for receipts with everything, I educated myself about what I could claim at tax time and every Sunday night I try to sit down and tally my receipts and put it into a dinky accountancy software program I bought for my home computer.
I have also a few abundance affirmations that I repeat to myself when I travel in Scare City as I like to term financial stress.
Why do we have so much debt as individiuals ? Do we think we are not worth investing in?

Celebrate yourself and celebrate that you have enough, you don't need anything. Work out what is a genuine need and what is just desire, desire is ego. What does your ego desire?
What do you need to serve the Universe? If what you are about to purchase supports that intention then spend away my friends, if it is a purchase based on ego that will only hinder you and keep you in a state of keeping up appearances then let it go, chances are you will not ever regret not buying it.

Buy with intention and start saving is my new look this season!

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